In my free time, I like to go camping. When I’m surrounded by trees and mountains—connected to nature, cut off from electronics—that’s when I feel fulfilled. Relaxed. Blissful.
But I’m painfully aware that most farm animals never get to experience even basic enjoyment in life. Things like smelling fresh leaves. Savoring the breeze on a hot day. Burning off stress through exercise. None of that is possible on a factory farm—where cows, pigs, and chickens are confined in cages or crates, forced into a life of pain, boredom, and stress that’s beyond even my hardest days.
I’m lucky enough to be able to enjoy moments in life—while farm animals are denied every opportunity for joy, and instead made to suffer simply for belonging to a certain species. It’s wrong. It’s appalling. It’s heartrending.
I know you’re in this fight, too. One of the best things we can do for farm animals is to keep this movement strong, well into the future. By making planned gifts to THL through our wills, or by making THL a beneficiary of our financial accounts, we can continue fighting for animals—even after we’re no longer here.
We’ve partnered with FreeWill, a free, easy-to-use tool that allows you to draft a simple will in under 20 minutes. No lawyers, no jargon. I used it to write my own will—and it was simple to add The Humane League as a beneficiary (as simple as typing the name into a search bar!). When you draft your will, you can decide what your own legacy will be.
Your legacy gift is a powerful investment in a better, kinder food system—and it costs you nothing now. Best of all, during our Legacy Matching Challenge, a generous matching donor will make an immediate gift of up to $2,500 if you notify us of your planned gift, and/or share the estimated value of your future gift! This way, you can make an impact for animals right now—and create a ripple effect in the years to come.
Thank you so much for your compassion for animals.
Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to go pack my tent in the car.

Kalista Barter
SVP, Development |
P.S. Have you already included The Humane League in your estate plan? Please let us know so we can thank you properly and unlock your potential matching gift!