BREAKING — President Donald J. Trump endorsed every Republican member of Congress from Florida EXCEPT my RINO opponent Dan Webster and 2 others.

Over the weekend, President Trump released a list of endorsements for the 2024 election, and do-nothing Dan Webster was absent from the list.

Webster even
travelled to President Trump’s trial in New York in a desperate attempt to gain his support. Unfortunately for Dan, Donald Trump doesn’t endorse America-Last RINOs.

As an Army Veteran and America-First Republican, I’m running for Congress to drain the Washington swamp and work with a newly elected President Donald Trump to build the wall and deport ALL illegal immigrants.

Webster LIED to voters and claimed that he already received Trump’s endorsement. The fact is, Webster is one of the ONLY Republicans from Florida who Trump has NEVER endorsed.

We need to elect someone that will fight for Trump’s America First agenda —which is why I’m running to be your Congressman!

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Anthony Sabatini
Candidate for Congress FL-11
Personal cell number: 352-455-2928