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From where I stand: “The fact that domestic violence is not a criminal offence in Kazakhstan is hurting women during COVID-19 crisis”

Apr 09, 2020 12:54 pm
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Dina Smailova, a well-known activist from Kazakhstan, recently spoke to UN Women about the rising reports of domestic violence since the introduction of quarantine measures to stop the spread of COVID-19. With 4 billion people around the world sheltering at home, many women are left in isolation with abusive partners, unable to access life-saving resources and support systems. In some countries, helplines have registered an increase in calls by more than 30 per cent.
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Press release: Women hit harder by socio-economic impacts of COVID-19 in Asia-Pacific, says UN Women report

Apr 09, 2020 10:57 am
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The coronavirus is exacerbating pervasive gender inequalities and discrimination facing women in the region.
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Op-ed: Can we turn the tide on gender equality

Apr 08, 2020 08:00 pm
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In an unequal world, a health crisis like the one we face today hurts women disproportionately. We call on leaders to act now to include strong gender dimensions in the response.
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"Put women and girls at the centre of efforts to recover from COVID-19"—Statement by the UN Secretary-General António Guterres

Apr 08, 2020 08:00 pm
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The COVID-19 pandemic affects everyone, everywhere. But it affects different groups of people differently, deepening existing inequalities. Today we are launching a report that shows how COVID-19 could reverse the limited progress that has been made on gender equality and women’s rights – and recommends ways to put women’s leadership and contributions at the heart of resilience and recovery.
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Voices from the front lines of COVID-19

Apr 08, 2020 10:32 am
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UN Women is bringing the voices of women on the front lines of the pandemic. As essential workers, care givers and journalists, here are some s(h)eroes who are out there, every day, protecting and serving their communities.
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“Nurses are the real heroes,” says Albanian doctor in the front line of COVID-19 response

Apr 06, 2020 04:50 pm
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Women are playing a key role—often disproportionate to men—in responding to the disease, as frontline healthcare workers, as well as care givers at home. Experience of other disease outbreaks shows that they have the highest risk to be infected. Almost 12 per cent of Albania’s reported cases of coronavirus have been health workers, but no fatalities have been reported yet.
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In a Serbian town, survivors of domestic violence are sewing face masks for those in the front line of COVID-19 response

Apr 06, 2020 02:39 pm
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In an undisclosed location in Sombor, Serbia, 41-year-old Marija Tomic* is putting the finishing stitches on face masks. She has made hundreds of these fabric masks since Serbia declared the COVID-19 epidemic in March.
Tomic is a survivor of domestic violence and lives in a safe house for women survivors. “I got support in this society when I needed it most and now it feels great to give something back,” she said. “It's a wonderful feeling to be able to provide a little help...
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Step it up G7: An extraordinary time requires extraordinary solidarity 

Apr 06, 2020 01:37 pm
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As the COVID-19 pandemic intensifies and the implications on women become more clear, members of the 2018 and 2019 G7 Gender Equality Advisory Councils urgently called on G7 member states to take into account the gendered dimensions of the crisis and to prevent the deterioration of gender equality and women’s rights worldwide.
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She persists: Sport is a tool for empowering girls in Brazil

Apr 06, 2020 01:18 pm
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UN Women and the International Olympic Committee’s programme, “One Win Leads to Another” gives tools of empowerment to girls and young women from vulnerable communities across Brazil through weekly sport practice and life skills training.
In February, before coronavirus containment measures were put in place, some girls from the programme met the international football star and UN Women Goodwill Ambassador Marta Vieira da Silva.
Now, as the girls are confined to their...
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Violence against women and girls: the shadow pandemic

Apr 06, 2020 09:42 am
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With 90 countries in lockdown and four billion people sheltering at home from the global contagion of COVID-19, UN Women Executive Director Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka highlights another deadly danger growing in the shadows: Violence against women.
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