On this Memorial Day in honor of the heroes who made the ultimate sacrifice to our country, I hope you’ll join me in recommitting to this fight.

From the desk of Andrei Cherny

John —

On September 11, 2001, I was fast asleep when my dad called me at 6:30 am. Planes had flown into the World Trade Center — America was under attack. I experienced the day the way most people did: watching TV in stunned silence. The world had changed before our very eyes.

As I processed the shock and horror of watching the Twin Towers fall and smoke pour out of the Pentagon, I felt a profound call to serve and protect the ideals of the nation I’d come to call home. So I made the decision to enlist to serve in the military.

When I raised my hand to take the oath of service, I made a commitment to protect America and our democracy from all enemies — foreign and domestic. That’s the same oath I will make as a member of Congress. And one I will never yield on.

Andrei Cherny standing in front of fighter jet | Andrei Cherny for Congress

During my time as a U.S. Navy Reserve Intelligence Officer, I witnessed first-hand the dedication and determination of my fellow service members.

I served alongside incredible men and women who put their lives on the line. They asked for nothing in return, and many made the ultimate sacrifice in defense of our nation.

When David Schweikert voted against the PACT Act — a bipartisan bill to provide health benefits to veterans who were exposed to toxic substances during their service — I was furious. Even Matt Gaetz and Ted Cruz voted yes. I was mad again, though maybe not surprised, when he tried to take credit for it.

But I am turning that anger into action and running for Congress to help keep our promise to the families of every soldier we honor this Memorial Day.

It’s also why I was outraged to hear earlier this month that the VA improperly gave out over $11 million in bonuses to their executives. Our fight to hold them accountable and ensure our veterans get the support they deserve couldn’t be more urgent.

So on this Memorial Day in honor of the heroes who made the ultimate sacrifice to our country, I hope you’ll join me in recommitting to this fight. Just as my decision to enlist was a call to service, my campaign for Congress is a call to action. Together, we can build a better future for our veterans and for our nation.

In your service,
