May 27, 2024

Dear Georgian,

Happy Memorial Day! Today, we honor our military members who have made the ultimate sacrifice for our great nation. This holiday gives us the chance to remember their courageous acts of service in protecting the freedoms of Americans.

As you commemorate today, I encourage you to reflect on the countless brave individuals who dedicated their lives to our country.

As always, my staff and I are here to help. If you need assistance with a federal agency or have comments or concerns to share with me, please do not hesitate to call my Warner Robins, Tifton, or Washington, D.C. offices. To receive frequent updates, I encourage you to visit my website, like my Facebook page, follow me on YouTube, and follow me on X.

Keep reading for the full update.



Congressman Austin Scott



Passing the FY25 NDAA Through House Armed Services Committee

Georgia’s bases are key to our national defense and are impactful across the globe. Last week, the House Armed Services Committee (HASC) passed the bipartisan FY25 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) out of committee by a vote of 57-1 with my support.

The NDAA sets the Department of Defense (DoD) policies and authorizes funding levels for defense programs. This legislation supports our warfighters at home and abroad and deters our adversaries.

I am proud to have several amendments included that support our military as they defend the United States.

Read more here.


Passing the Farm Bill Through House Agriculture Committee

On Friday, the House Agriculture Committee passed the Farm, Food, and National Security Act, more commonly referred to as the Farm Bill, which is critical legislation for our state and district. Agriculture is Georgia's number one industry, and this Farm Bill is a win for Georgia's farmers and producers.

The 2024 Farm Bill makes the most significant investment in the farm safety net since 2002. These investments are long overdue and necessary to help producers survive some very rough financial years ahead.

These improvements benefit ALL crops in ALL regions of the country, especially in Georgia.

As Vice Chair of the House Agriculture Committee, I am pleased that several of my priorities were included in this legislation. I greatly appreciate Chairman Thompson’s strong leadership on this legislation, and the bipartisan support for final passage through the committee.

Read more here.



Farm Progress House Ag Committee approves farm bill proposal

"With the clock well past midnight, House Agriculture Committee lawmakers passed the Farm, Food, and National Security Act of 2024. Committee Chair Glenn 'GT' Thompson cast the final vote for his farm bill proposal with an emphatic 'oh yeah.'

Minutes later, after the marathon mark-up session officially concluded, Thompson turned to Ranking Member David Scott and said, 'I didn’t expect that.'"

Read more here.


Agri-PulseRepublicans score committee approval of farm bill with crucial Democratic backing

"Republicans pushed their $1.5 trillion farm bill through the House Agriculture Committee early Friday with the help of four critical Democratic votes, giving the massive legislation some momentum as it heads to an uncertain future in the full House. 

The four Democrats who supported the bill were Don Davis of North Carolina, Yadira Caraveo of Colorado, Eric Sorensen of Illinois and Sanford Bishop of Georgia. 

The committee approved the bill, 33-21, after a rancorous debate that started at 11 a.m. Thursday and didn't end until after midnight Friday...

Rep. Austin Scott, R-Ga., said the bill would make the most significant investments in the farm safety net since 2002."

Read more here.


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