Heads up!!!

Our speaker on Monday night had security concerns regarding the use of Facebook Live.  He does a lot of investigative work and has a following of those who want to shut him up.  As a result, he wanted us to have the ability to kick out anyone who might start harassing our group.  Thankfully, we have scrambled and created a new option!  We are using GoToMeeting.

It is EASY to set up the GoToMeeting app, and I have provided screen shots below to walk you through it.  It will take just a couple minutes.  Please plan to join our meeting a little bit early so you can get it taken care of!

The first thing you need to do is click here to go to our event link.

From that page, walk through these steps...

Now you're in the meeting!  If the meeting hasn't started yet, you can just wait until it does.  Scroll down to step 12 to see how to navigate once the meeting starts.

For those who create an account well in advance and then have to acces the app again once the meeting starts, here's what you'll do...

Click here to go to our event link.

Let's take a look at a couple things you can do once you've joined us...

You can interact with us while you are listening!  Agree, disagree, ask questions, shout hurray, share info... we will all be able to see it.  Plus True Texas Project will have Fran Rhodes and myself on-hand to respond as needed.

You'll notice at the bottom of the screen you can also turn your mic on and off.  Don't worry about that.  We will already have everyone muted.  You can make noise in your house and no one will hear you!

You also have the option to turn your video camera off.  If you do that, you can still watch the speaker, but we will just see your first initial instead of your smiling face.  :-)

The presentation will be recorded to watch later as well, but we hope you will join us live!  We think the ability to interact while the presentation is going on can be a lot of fun and add to the experience.

Before I close, I just want to ask that everyone be patient with us if we run into technical difficulties.  This is the first time we've used the program.  Our speaker is broadcasting from his home, and each of us are at our own homes.  It might be rough until we get the hang of it.

It will be great to "see" everyone!  Please plan now to tune in at 6:30pm on Monday!

Warm regards to all my favorite peeps...

Julie McCarty
CEO, True Texas Project

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