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“If” is a tiny word,
With major implications.
It has the power in it,
To move our great nation.

If precedes “My People”
In God’s own proclamation,
And puts on a condition,
To avoid retaliation.

Humility is the key,
To open the ears of the Lord.
He waits patiently to see,
Who truly follows His Word.

Prayer is the next step,
It must be sincerely spoken.
To approach Almighty God,
And gates of heaven to open.

Never given as a token,
Nor as a show of pride,
But by the name of Jesus,
Who lives on the inside.

Seek His face with thanksgiving,
He is the One to respect.
Condition for the blessings,
Are sincere heartfelt requests

Turn from their wicked ways,
Who? Oh yes, His people!
Multitudes have gone astray,
And blame God for their evil.

God hears every word we speak,
It’s those sent up in earnest,
That turn His heart to answer,
With rescue from the furnace.

Obey Him is a command,
Not a mere suggestion.
He can’t be mocked then expect
A nation’s resurrection.

He says, “I’ll forgive your sin,”
When we admit we have done,
Things so contrary to His Word,
He predicted this outcome.

True independence comes,
Through separation from sin.
Then dependence on God,
Is how to honor Him.

Only after all these steps,
With hearts of pure repentance,
Can true healing manifest,
In our nation’s independence.
Carolyn McLarty
Eagle Forum Board
May 17, 2024
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