Tories and Labour are spending millions. We need £400,000 now to fight this election. Are you in?



This is going to be the highest spending general election campaign - by far.


The Tories and Labour are pouring millions into campaign leaflets and social media ads.


We need your help NOW to get our message out to voters in the critical first few weeks of the campaign.

Over the coming days, we need to spend hundreds of thousands of pounds on digital and print communications.


We need to raise £400,000 to get our message of hope and positive action out to voters up and down the country. 


✅£130,000 on social media ads
✅£12,000 on billboards
✅£15,000 on printed ads
✅£240,000 on national campaign literature


John, how much can you donate to help us reach our target? How much can you give so that we get four Green MPs elected?

38 million pounds. That is the campaign spending limit. The Conservatives and Labour will be pocketing support from big business and the super rich to make sure they get to spend every single penny. 


Unlike them, we do not have a war chest. And we do not get huge donations from the super rich and big business.


We are people powered. We make real change happen together. 


That's why we need your help today, John, to compete with the bigger parties.


We need your help to raise £400,000 quickly to get four new passionate and principled Green MPs elected.


Please donate, whatever you can, to our general election campaign.

Thank you for your support.


The Green Party


Promoted by Chris Williams on behalf of The Green Party, both at PO Box 78066, London SE16 9GQ