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National Audubon Society
Purple coneflower and American Goldfinch.
Bring Birds to Your Yard with Native Plants
Did you know that adding native plants to your yard, balcony, or garden can help brighten up your green space while also providing food and shelter for your favorite birds?

Native plants are naturally low maintenance, help ease the impact of climate change, and attract the birds you love. They also support a host of other beneficial wildlife: pollinators critical to the whole web of life.

But what to plant? Find out with our native plants database. Just enter your zip code! With enhanced bird customization, easy filtering of plants, and additional resources in your community, you’ll find everything you need to get up and grow.
Pick Your Plants
Purple coneflower and American Goldfinch. Photo: Will Stuart
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National Audubon Society
225 Varick Street, New York, NY 10014 USA
(844) 428-3826 |

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