John, we're aiming to raise $10,000 by May 31. Here's why:
We deserve a livable future. We are dangerously close to reaching an irreversible threshold of rising temperatures. Once we pass that threshold, extreme heat will make parts of the Earth unlivable.1 It doesn't have to be this way — and we have the solution: A Green New Deal. |
We’re urging Congress to make historic investments for a Greener future. These investments will push us in a new direction — a future where millions of union workers are being paid good wages to build and run the cities of tomorrow. We're talking efficient public transit, cheaper utilities, healthier food, and so much more! |
Big Oil will spend millions of dark money to halt any progress on taking climate action. The 2024 election gives us our best chance of electing climate leaders across the country. We need more elected officials to say no to fossil fuel money, and instead push for a Green New Deal at the federal level. |
This movement would not be where it is without the contributions of each and every one of you, and those actively fighting on the ground for a better, more just future. Now we’re looking ahead to the summer and fall of the 2024 election cycle.
Please help this movement take even bigger strides towards climate justice this election cycle. Make a donation to support Green New Deal Network right now. We run on grassroots power and every single contribution matters.
Thank you for helping us fight for a livable future for all,
Green New Deal Network
1 - The Washington Post