
The war could have ended two years ago if the West had given Russia guarantees that Ukraine would remain neutral and not become a NATO member.

It would have saved hundreds of thousands of lives, and prevented massive destruction and population displacement.

Instead, the murderous neocons in Washington and their lapdogs in other Western capitals (including Trudeau and Poilievre in Ottawa) got their bloody proxy war.

They hurt our economies more than Russia’s with useless sanctions.

They made the geopolitical blunder of pushing the Russians into the arms of the Chinese.

These counterproductive actions reinforced anti-American and anti-West sentiment in emerging countries, and confirmed the rapid decline of Western influence in the world.

I said all of this two years ago already, and was the only Canadian political leader to call for peace negotiations.

I argued for Canada not to get involved in this war that doesn’t concern us.

But nobody in Ottawa listened. They just kept sending money and weapons to Zelensky.

Russia is winning this war.

Western leaders will eventually be forced to accept a settlement that will be even more favourable to Russia – unless they’re crazy enough to escalate the conflict even more and cause the deaths of millions.

On the plus side, these developments accelerated the dedollarization trend and the ongoing bankruptcy of fiat money regimes.

It hastened the transition from US hegemony to a new multipolar world order that will hopefully be more stable.

John, do you trust our globalist establishment parties to make the right decisions on such momentous issues?

Or would you prefer to have PPC members of Parliament fight to protect our sovereignty and defend our national interests in the world?

I need the continued support of patriots to make it happen!

How about donating $25 today to help us fight for peace and stability in the world?

Thank you!

P.S.: If you have trouble finding where you can donate, you can just click this link!


People's Party of Canada
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