Congresswoman Lesko Weekly Update

It was a busy week in the U.S. House of Representatives this week. I would like to encourage you to share this newsletter with others. Please direct them using this link and encourage them to subscribe.

Memorial Day

This Memorial Day, we remember the many brave men and women throughout our nation’s history who have paid the ultimate price for freedom.

Please join me in praying for them and their families. Our debt to them is immeasurable.


Lesko Meetings

I was honored to receive the award for Conservative Excellence from CPAC for maintaining a 90-100% conservative voting record this Congress. 


I met with Iron Mountain to discuss their data centers in Phoenix and data privacy legislation.


It was wonderful meeting with Go West Credit Union to discuss the important work their credit union does in our district and throughout Arizona.  


I had the privilege of speaking at the Heating, Air-conditioning, & Refrigeration Distributors International (HARDI) Breakfast and receiving an award. I’ll keep fighting to get Biden’s hands off our home appliances and restore consumer choice.

I had a wonderful meeting with the National Utility Contractors Association to discuss water infrastructure projects in Arizona as well as challenges they’ve faced along the way from the Biden Administration's burdensome regulations. 


It was great meeting with the American Heart Association to discuss heart health and the important work they do in healthcare and promoting healthy habits for people of all ages!


I had the privilege of meeting with Mary Williams, a Desert Storm veteran who will be in this year’s Memorial Day Parade. Thank you for your service!


Lesko in Committee


He claims he did not use a private gmail for official government business to avoid FOIA, but his emails tell a different story. Watch as I get him up to speed on what he DID say in this week’s COVID Select Subcommittee hearing below:

Play Button

The radical left’s green agenda is ripping the dream of home ownership right out from underneath the American people. The House Energy and Commerce Committee’s Energy Subcommittee met to see if we can turn this around and make housing affordable again.


The House Energy and Commerce Committee’s Innovation, Data, and Commerce Subcommittee met to markup legislation on data privacy, protecting kids online, and AM radio.


Lesko Votes

We had a big vote in Congress this week to push back on the Washington, D.C. City Council's policy allowing illegal immigrants to vote in local elections. I voted in favor of legislation to prohibit illegal immigrants from voting in Washington, D.C. local elections, which passed the House 262-143. Only American citizens should be voting in our elections. 

For more information, click here

Get the Facts: What happened in Wuhan?

This week, it was announced that the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has suspended funding for Peter Daszak, the president of EcoHealth Alliance, as well as all funding for EcoHealth due to him misleading government agencies regarding EcoHealth's activities with the Wuhan Institute of Virology. This comes after just last week, in my COVID Select Subcommittee, I asked the NIH deputy director if NIH funded Gain of function research in China’s WIV and he answered yes.  As the President of EcoHealth , Daszak received grants from the National Institute of Health (NIH) to study bat coronaviruses in Wuhan, China. After investigations by HHS, the NIH, and the COVID Select Subcommittee, it was found that the Wuhan Institute of Virology likely violated biosafety protocols under the leadership of Daszak using taxpayer dollars. This was likely a contributing factor to the origin of the COVID-19 pandemic. Throughout the investigation, Daszak was unable to provide documentation on safety protocols and data from the Wuhan Institute of Virology and it was therefore concluded he did not adequately monitor the Institute to ensure all biohazard safety procedures were followed. For more information from the COVID Select Subcommittee click here for a press release on the matter.

Around the District

Team Lesko attended the 2024 Military Induction Ceremony, where incoming recruits were recognized and honored for their selfless decisions to join the ranks of our country’s service branches. Thank you for your service!


Casework Highlight

A constituent needed a new military identification card. They were unable to obtain an appointment prior to card expiration and contacted our office for assistance. We contacted Luke Air Force Base and helped them navigate to the appropriate office and secure an appointment. The constituent got a new identification card prior to expiration so they could still access base services.

Global Entry Process Renewal

If you already have Global Entry for traveling and have not yet renewed your membership, now may be the time. Eligibility to renew your membership begins one year prior to program expiration, but you will still be eligible to use benefits up to 24 months following your membership expiration date. In order to renew your membership visit the link here

Military Academy Nominations

As a member of Congress, I have the privilege of nominating a limited number of people to four of the five service academies. This would include nominating candidates for appointment to the U.S. Military Academy (West Point), the U.S. Naval Academy, the U.S. Air Force Academy, and the U.S. Merchant Marine Academy. The fifth service academy, the U.S. Coast Guard Academy does not require a congressional nomination for appointment. For more information click here.

Tell Congresswoman Lesko

Do you know of a business or location I should visit? Click the link here and let me know!

We are Here to Help

As always, my office is here to help. My Surprise district office is open and serving constituents. To make an appointment with the office, please call 623-776-7911.

My Washington, D.C. office is open and answering your calls. Please feel free to contact us via phone at 202-225-4576 or via email by going to my website at

I encourage you to visit the website and to also follow me on Twitter, Instagram and my Facebook page for up to date information on what I'm doing and how my office can help you.

May God continue to bless you and our great Nation.


Congresswoman Debbie Lesko

