News From Congressman Bilirakis


May 26, 2024

Dear Neighbor,

On this Memorial Day weekend, and always, may we honor the memory of those who made the ultimate sacrifice in defense of our country.  We owe them and their families a debt of gratitude that can never fully be repaid.   I look forward to participating in several ceremonies throughout the district to commemorate this solemn occasion.


On a personal note, this has been a special weekend for our family. My son, Teddy, married his long-time girlfriend, Jaima.  It was a beautiful celebration as we welcomed Jaima into our family and wished the two of them a wonderful life together full of many blessings!   

Please continue reading to learn about my work on your behalf last week. 

Making Washington Work for You:  Last week, I voted to hold U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland in Contempt of Congress.  In early February, Special Counsel Robert Hur released his report on President Biden’s mishandling of classified materials after documents were discovered in his home and office in 2022.  On February 27, the Judiciary and Oversight Committees issued identical subpoenas to AG Garland compelling production of certain documents and records, including audio and video recordings, of Special Counsel Robert Hur’s interviews with President Biden and his ghostwriter, Mark Zwonitzer.  Audio tapes are the best evidence and will ensure that the transcripts provided to the committees accurately reflect the true content of interviews.  These subpoenas were issued for several reasons, including as part of the ongoing impeachment inquiry, to inform legislative reforms to the Department of Justice (DOJ’s) use of special counsels in investigations of current and former Presidents, and to determine whether legislation is needed to ensure that federal agencies properly account for records and documents after an executive branch official leaves office.  To date, DOJ has refused to produce the subpoenaed audio recordings, choosing instead to obstruct and delay.  Criminal contempt of Congress is a criminal process by which the House can seek to hold a witness accountable for failing to comply with a committee subpoena. Holding an individual in criminal contempt protects Congress’ oversight and investigative functions by compelling compliance through the threat of penalties, punishing individuals who willfully fail to comply, and deterring future noncompliance. 

Securing the Border:  Despite President Biden and Senator Schumer’s recent political gimmicks to distract from the crisis the President’s policies have created, our border is still not secure.  There were 179,725 illegal alien encounters at our southern border in April of this year – bringing the total to more than 9.5 million since President Biden took office.


In addition to this staggering statistic, the Department of Homeland Security recently admitted that there were more known “gotaways” in FY21-23 (1.6 million) than the entire decade of FY 2010 and FY 2020 (1.4 million).  This is on top of the 9.5 million illegal aliens who have entered the country as a result of Biden’s failed border policies.  

Recently, the President and Senator Schumer have been trying to push a so called “compromise” border security bill.  Their plan would further compromise our national security because it actually incentivizes more illegal immigration and would allow up to 5,000 people per day to enter the country illegally before closing the border.  The insanity needs to stop.  The Senate needs to pass HR 2, the House’s plan to force President Biden to secure the border! They’ve been sitting on the bill for a year while the crisis has raged.  This is an urgent matter of national security. 

Restoring Fiscal Sanity: Bidenomics continue to harm all Americans.  Since President Biden took office, the price of basic goods and services have skyrocketed by almost 20%. 


The Consumer Price Index (CPI), a key inflation index, stayed “uncomfortably high” in April increasing at an annual rate of 3.4%. This is just the latest example of Bidenomics continuing to fail Americans as they are forced to pay more for everyday necessities while earning less because of Bidenflation. 

In addition to controlling inflation, we must get serious about reducing our debt.  The US now spends more on interest for the federal debt than we do on defense spending or Medicare. This is unsustainable.  We have to tighten our belt, balance the budget, and make tough choices about how to restore fiscal sanity.  We can’t keep kicking the can down the road.


Improving Children’s Healthcare:  I’m working to ensure all children get the screening and care they need at the right age by creating the first-ever federally funded program to address children’s vision and eye health.  Click here to learn more.  

Ensuring a Level Playing Field:  I recently had the chance to discuss the issue of Name, Image and Likeness with Bob Costas.  As I explained to him, my goal is to ensure a level playing field and to protect the integrity of college athletics.


Protecting Consumers:  My TICKET Act recently passed the House.  Without costing taxpayers a dime, it will improve transparency in the entertainment ticketing industry and help protect consumers.  Click here to learn more.   

Also, in last week’s Innovation, Data and Commerce Subcommittee Mark-up, we reviewed our legislation to create a national privacy standard. The American Privacy Rights Act will jump start a new era by giving people the right to control their own data and restoring America’s founding principles of individual liberty and self-determination.  Click here to listen to my remarks during the hearing.

Additionally, in last week’s Communications and Technology subcommittee we reviewed draft bipartisan legislation that would remove protections from Section 230 of the Telecommunications Act that shield online platforms from liability for the content posted on their sites.  For far too long, the BIG tech industry has hidden behind these protections while censoring free speech, creating unsafe conditions for children, and ignoring its responsibilities to civil society. Once a full repeal has been passed, social media companies will be forced to negotiate reasonable language that offers some protections for online businesses and all Internet users regardless of their political views and provide safeguards to protect our youngest users.   Click here to listen to my remarks during the hearing.   

Securing Peace through Strength:  As we begin the process of developing the FY2025 budget, one of my priorities will be restoring military readiness.  As our adversaries around the globe become increasingly hostile, our only choice is to secure peace through strength!

Make no mistake – China is not our friend.  We have to counter that threat by ensuring military readiness, safeguarding against Chinese espionage and cyberwarfare, and strengthening domestic supply chains to eliminate any reliance on China.   I am continuing to fight for these priorities.

Encouraging Travel and Tourism:  Travel and Tourism is a $2.8 trillion industry that supports nearly 15 million American jobs while fueling other important industries like manufacturing, health care and agriculture—all which depend on travel to generate business, spur innovation and support education.   As Co-Chair of the Travel and Tourism Caucus in Congress, I work to support this critical sector of our economy.  The travel industry is essential to America’s success—it is an economic powerhouse that unites people, benefits society and is paramount to the United States’ global competitiveness. 


Learning from You Here at Home:  Thank you to everyone who participated in my tele-townhall last week.  I appreciated the opportunity to share updates on the work I am doing in Washington and hearing directly from so many of you about the issues impacting your family!  Your input truly makes me a better Member of Congress!

Community Connection

I am fortunate to have a team of dedicated staff who regularly attend events throughout our community, especially when I am required to be in Washington, DC. Through their collective efforts, I am better able to stay connected to the issues that matter most to my constituents. As part of my commitment to developing a better understanding of the issues facing constituents in Citrus, Hernando and Pasco counties, members of my team attended several events last week.  Here are a few highlights.

My team spoke to the Leadership Pasco Class of 2024 about the role Members of Congress play in meeting the needs of our their constituents.  


My team also attended the groundbreaking of Rodizio Grill in Central Pasco.  It is great to see new business owners continuing to flock to the area.  


Additionally, my team attended the annual luncheon to support Marjorie's Hope - an organization that supports local children in need of basic necessities. 


Constituent Corner

My team recently received this message after helping a constituent with his wife's Green Card problem.  

We express our gratitude to you in expediting the approval process for my wife's Green Card.  We had been waiting for more than 2.5 years with no results, and we were frustrated and despairing. But your intervention was the key that changed everything. It is really amazing how committed you are to assisting citizens like us in navigating the difficulties of the immigration system.  My wife's Green Card was finally approved in May 4 2024 and today May 15 2024 she received the card by mail! 

This is just one example of the work we do each day.  Constituent services are a critical element of our congressional office. The federal government is a massive operation, and my office is available if you ever need assistance in navigating the bureaucracy or cutting through red tape. We are here to serve you!  



Gus Bilirakis
Member of Congress

Rep. Gus Bilirakis | 2354 Rayburn HOB, Washington, DC 20515