

We are ready to fight this general election and get four Green MPs elected. We are offering hope and action – exactly what voters have been telling us they want. Scroll to find out more about how you can get involved 🔽


Caroline Lucas has criticised the Government for “shamefully” ditching its promise to abolish no fault evictions. Time ran out for the Renters Reform Bill on Friday when it did not appear on the list of bills to be passed into law on parliament’s final day. Renters’ rights delayed, diluted and now ditched by a Tory Govt which has broken its promise to act…Vote Green for a strong voice for renters in parliament,” Caroline posted on X, formerly twitter.

The Green party has backed the International Criminal Court’s call for arrest warrants to be issued for senior Hamas and Israeli officials. Carne Ross, party spokesperson for global solidarity said: “Green Party leaders wrote to the foreign secretary David Cameron six months ago setting out how war crimes had been committed by both sides. The UK government must now stop denying the heinous crimes perpetrated by the government of Israel.”

Jenny Jones has welcomed a High Court ruling that Government legislation to restrict the right to protest is unlawful. Liberty’s win was very welcome but need not have happened. “We peers had the chance to stop it but Labour chose to abstain. I came from loyal Labour parents. They would not recognise the party now.” Jenny had tried to block the legislation in the House of Lords last June, along with a petition with over 55,000 signatures. 


“We are ready”. That was the clear message from party leaders Adrian Ramsay and Carla Denyer when Rishi Sunak called a snap general election on 4 July. “This is the moment the country has been waiting for – the chance to vote for a different vision of what our country can be,” Carla said. “We are urging voters to elect at least four Green MPs to Parliament”. 

Adrian said the election gives people “ the chance to vote for a Green candidate offering voters hope and practical solutions to the cost-of-living crisis, supporting people into warm, affordable homes, protecting our NHS and cleaning up our toxic rivers.” The party is aiming to stand a Green candidate in every constituency in England and Wales for the first time, and win at least four seats in parliament – Sian Berry in Brighton Pavilion, Carla Denyer in Bristol Central, Ellie Chowns in North Herefordshire and Adrian Ramsay in Waveney Valley.

Natalie Bennett and Molly Scott Cato out supporting a recent action day. 

We've got a big national action weekend coming up this weekend as well as 1st and 2nd June. Want to join our teams to help elect 4 Green MPs? Sign up here to help the campaign teams that gets our message out to green voters everywhere 🔽


By Daniela Radice, Local Elections Manager


The local elections this year were, once again, a record breaking year for us. We reached the total of 808 Councillors in England and Wales, with net gains of 68 and 184 seats won in total.


This shows that our year-round hard work, targeting wards and getting to know local issues really pays off at the ballot box. There are so many highlights – we are now the largest party in Bristol, Stroud and Hastings, and have the balance of power in Maidstone, Worcester and Norwich. We had breakthroughs onto new Councils in Newcastle, South Norfolk, Bolton, Sefton, Hampshire & Redditch.


A big shout out to anyone who stood as a non-target candidate. Our coverage of 62.4% put us only 6% behind the Lib Dems and cemented our place on the political map as one of the ‘big four’ parties with our highest ever vote share of 9.7% - the only party whose vote share has increased every year! (We had more candidates than the Lib Dems in the North East, North West and West Midlands!).

Bristol turns green: Greens are the biggest party by far on the council and hold all council seats in Bristol Central constituency, a target seat in the general election.


Caroline Lucas’s fourteen-year career as an outstanding MP comes to an end officially next Thursday with the dissolution of parliament. She has mixed feelings about leaving – the Government needed to go but she will miss the job, her team and wonderful Brighton Pavilion constituents. Interviewed on LBC, she told listeners: “I am looking forward to finding a way to focus on nature and climate as the two key things that are really motivating me now. But in the meantime, doing everything that I can to make sure that Sian Berry is elected to replace me.” 

Mixed feelings: Caroline Lucas and her team in House of Commons office. 


The Green Shop is experiencing high demand following the GE announcement and we are asking that target constituencies, candidates, campaigners and members order their rosettes, badges, pins, cups, posters, boards, etc. as early as possible in the campaign period. This will allow our logistics team to start processing orders and get them out the door immediately, minimising the risk of everyone rushing to order in the last week and not getting their delivery in time.

Please pass this message on to your green friends and colleagues as well as fellow campaigners and volunteers, who's going to be getting campaigning material and merch from the shop in the near future!


We are looking to hire a Digital Support Officer - full time during the General Election short campaign, shift-based including evenings and weekends in Green Party Head Office. We are also searching for a Volunteer Candidate Assistant for the Brighton Parliamentary Campaign - voluntary, remote and/or in person in Brighton. Sounds like something for you? Find more details here 💚


In 2010 we made history together when Caroline Lucas was elected as the first Green MP. Fourteen years on, we have a chance to get four Green MPs elected – Sian, Carla, Ellie and Adrian. They will all make brilliant MPs and build on Caroline’s inspirational legacy. They will be powerful and passionate new Green voices and hold the next Government to account.


Please donate to our campaign to get 4 Green MPs elected.

Last word to Sian out on Brighton beach campaigning against sewage dumping by privatised water companies, a big election issue. The Green Party wants water companies brought into public ownership.

Have a great week.


The Green Party 💚


Promoted by Chris Williams on behalf of The Green Party, both at PO Box 78066, London SE16 9GQ