I wanted to give you some insight into where things currently stand in our campaign, and some important decisions we have ahead of us.

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Hey there,

I wanted to give you some insight into where things currently stand in our campaign, and some important decisions we have ahead of us.

Now that we’re within 6 months of the election, we're at the point in the race where my team and I will frequently get together early in the morning, armed with coffee, to review our campaign's spending priorities and compare them to our fundraising goals and how close we are to meeting them.

It’s quite a balancing act, and full of strategic choices. And we're getting close to the point where some of the biggest decisions of the campaign will be made: decisions about TV and digital advertising, field operatives, Get Out the Vote operations and more.

And as our team reviews our budget projections for the months ahead, we're thinking about all we'd be able to accomplish if we were able to have a big fundraising day today.

Because the donations made in these months -- before the final push before Election Day -- allow us to make much more strategic spending decisions than money that comes later on: if, when, and how will we hire more staff? When will our mailers hit people's inboxes? How many TV ads can we run – and when do we air them? Pretty much all of these decisions are made by early summer – months before the majority of donors check in and finally decide which way to vote.

So we were willing to bank on the fact that if we explained why early investments in our race are so critical, then you, the thoughtful citizen that you are, would chip in to help create more room in our campaign's budget so we have the resources required to win this race.

With that in mind, can you make a $10 contribution to my campaign for U.S. Senate and Adam Frisch's today? Every donation will help us make critical investments in this campaign.

If you've saved payment information with ActBlue Express, your split donation between Elissa Slotkin and Adam Frisch will go through immediately:

Thank you,
