
I remember the first time I saw the video of George Floyd's murder. We were still locked down in our homes, weathering the storm of COVID, and I began to see this video circulating around the internet and on the news. The images were horrifying and profoundly disturbing. It is no wonder why millions of people across the country took to the streets — during a global pandemic — chanting "Black Lives Matter."

Today, four years after Geroge Floyd's death, those words remain true.

Last year, I was in Minneapolis on the anniversary weekend of George Floyd's death and I took the opportunity to visit the George Floyd Memorial.

Images of the George Floyd Memorial.

While I visited his memorial, I was struck by the obvious attention that it still stirred in people — the flowers and gifts laid on the site, the new memorial created by the city — it reminded me that although we are not in the streets each night asking for justice and progress, we are still fighting.

We're fighting to enact policing reform, to ensure the safety of our communities and each individual who lives in them, and to correct the historical wrongs that led us to this moment. While marginal progress has been made in the name of equity and equality, there is still work to be done.

Our movement is built on the fight for justice and Standing Tall for All, so thank you for being a part of this movement and helping us fight for progress.

Stand Tall for All,


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