Now, 20-mile days walking across the state are a little bit harder, but I continue to do this for two reasons.

U.S. Senator Chris Murphy

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On Monday, I'm going to start my eighth walk across Connecticut.

Now, 20-mile days walking across the state are a little bit harder than the first time. I'm a decade older and thanks to two orthopedic surgeries, I have a fancy Titanium screw in my knee.

But I continue to do this for two reasons. First, I just love this state, and I fall in love with it over and over again when I get to walk from one end to the other. When I spend a week taking my time to soak in the beauty of the state and our people, I’m reminded of the unique wonder of this state, our history and our fierce localism.

But the other reason I do it is because I want to show people that I don’t take this job for granted — that I’m willing to do something hard and a little strange to make sure I’m listening to everybody.

Whether you watch the news religiously or don’t even know my name, your voice matters. Everybody counts.

Like the walk, this job isn’t easy. There are plenty of days where I feel like I’m rolling a rock up a hill, waiting for it to roll right back down on me. But I still wake up every day honored to get to go to Washington to fight for you. I know how lucky I am to have this privilege.

I’m also lucky because I’ve got you on my team. I’ll be honest — a big part of the reason that I can spend so much time focused on the work that matters, like this walk and leading bipartisan negotiations in the Senate, is because of the donations I get from people like you. I don’t have to spend as much time worrying about fundraising or on the phones with donors because there are thousands of people like you giving what they can to power our movement.

And while I wish we could get the obscene amounts of money out of our politics, the reality is I do have to make sure we have the resources to continue doing this job and building our movement. So I need to ask:

If you can spare a donation, it’d mean a lot to have your support before my eighth Walk Across Connecticut begins. Like I said, grassroots donations are the reason I’m able to spend so much of my time doing the work you elected me to do, so anything you can give truly makes a difference.

If you've stored your info with ActBlue, we'll process your contribution instantly.

I hope you appreciate how I approach this job and know that I don’t take a single second of it for granted — even on the toughest days.

Thank you for all you do.

Every best wish,




Paid for by Friends of Chris Murphy

Friends of Chris Murphy
PO Box 230987
Hartford, CT 06123

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