Universal Health Care is a moral necessity. With Big Insurance lobbyists trolling the halls of Congress ready to pounce at the first mention of Medicare for All, we need to empower states to build the movement.
A decade after the passage of the Affordable Care Act, millions of Americans still don’t have access to affordable health care. The ACA was a valuable first step, and it contains a mechanism that would allow individual states to create their own systems for truly universal health care. But it takes one small tweak to unlock its full promise of Health Care for All.
That's why I'm urging you to sign the petition below in support of the State-Based Universal Health Care Act (H.R. 6270). This act will empower states to create comprehensive health plans for all their residents, paving the path towards a national universal, simple, affordable, and equitable health plan.
H.R. 6270 moves us toward health care that is Universal, Simple, and Affordable (USA) in the following ways:
Mandates that participating states guarantee health care coverage for at least 95% of residents in the first 5 years, thus reducing the uninsured and underinsured populations to less than 5% (currently 30% in most states).
Requires any state-based plan to have benefits equal to or greater than those received by beneficiaries of federal health care programs.
Allows states to cooperate on multi-state plans, meaning that states aren’t on their own.
Enables states to integrate Medicare funds into a state plan.
We have long said that Medicare for All is the next step in the New Deal. State-Based Universal Health Care is the first step toward Medicare for All.
Sign the petition: Give states the freedom to enact State-Based Universal Health Care!
Thank you,
Michael Phelan Social Security Works