The Thorn West

The Thorn West is a state and local news roundup compiled by members of DSA-LA. Our goal is to provide a weekly update on the latest developments in state and local politics, and to track the issues that are most important to our membership.


Issue No. 203 - May 24, 2024


State Politics

  • AB 2200, also known as CalCare, was placed in the “suspense file” by the Chair of the Assembly Appropriations Committee, meaning that it will not receive a public vote this year. Advocates have vowed to continue the fight for a statewide single-payer health care system. Statements from the California Nurses Association here and California DSA here.


  • Today marks a deadline for state legislation: if a bill has not advanced out of its chamber of origin, it can not be further considered this legislative year. CalMatters analyzes some of the fallout.


City Politics

  • The Los Angeles City Council approved the Mayor’s proposed budget for the upcoming fiscal year. The proposed budget addresses expected deficits by cutting 2,100 open positions. City Council reduced that number to 1,700. A proposed amendment to defer spending on new LAPD recruits until they are hired was sent back to committee. The budget passed 12–3 with Councilmembers Eunisses Hernandez, Hugo Soto-Martinez, and Nithya Raman opposing.


  • The effort to expand the number of seats on Los Angeles City Council has been postponed indefinitely, and will not appear on the 2024 ballot, after Council President Paul Krekorian announced that the proposal will instead be referred to a charter commission—which has yet to be created.


  • Councilmember Krekorian, who faces term limits and will be replaced in his seat at the November election, has announced that he will step down from his role as president in September. Today, seven councilmembers endorsed Councilmember Marqueece Harris-Dawson as his successor, which would be enough votes to secure him the position.


  • Last week, UAW 4811, the union representing 48,000 academic workers in the University of California system, voted to authorize a strike to protect the rights of UC students and union members to protest in solidarity with Palestine without fear of violent suppression from police or counterprotestors. Monday, workers at UC Santa Cruz staged the first in a series of rolling one-day walkouts. The union is calling for workers at UCLA and UC Davis to join the strike on Tuesday if the pattern of unfair labor practices is not addressed.


  • LA Streetsblog analyzes the Metro budget for the upcoming fiscal year (one of few budgets that is actually not facing deficits).



  • LA Public Press covers the city’s lack of progress in meeting goals to create more bus shelters.


  • The cuts in in the proposed California state budget would strip billions from climate programs. Two potential ballot measures being discussed in the State Assembly and Senate would seek voter approval for a bond to offset some of those cuts.