Senator Jordan Rasmusson's Header Image

May 24, 2024


Democrats' End of Session

In the final hour of the 2024 legislative session, legislative Democrats passed their partisan agenda by forcing through a mega omnibus bill. This legislation, which consists of nearly 1,500 pages, passed without time for the public or legislators to review and debate. Instead, Democrats broke the decorum and rules of both legislative bodies to force a vote on the bill.

When Minnesotans sent their elected officials to St. Paul, they expected their viewpoints to be heard and well represented. However, in the final hour of the 2024 session, legislative Democrats abused their power and silenced the voices of half of Minnesota.

All session, Republicans worked in good faith to pass bipartisan policies. But instead of working with members of the minority, Democrats crammed every item on their partisan wish list into a single backroom-assembled bill. The resulting 1,494-page bill (seen below) raises taxes, increases energy costs, and threatens constitutional rights, all while ensuring political appointees receive pay raises.

When the mega omnibus was brought before the Senate, I spoke out and raised a point of order to uphold the rules and integrity of the Senate. Democrats ignored every attempt we made, and they forced a vote on this legislation to pass their radical agenda. It is appalling that Democrats chose to shut down debate and provide zero transparency in this process.

With total control of all three branches of government, Democrats had every opportunity to properly pass their ‘priority bills’ over the last two years. The way this session ended is a shocking display of one-party control, and the people of Minnesota deserve better.


Emergency Medical Services Funding Secured

With strong bipartisan support, the Minnesota Legislature recently passed a $30 million aid package for rural emergency medical services (EMS), which includes more than $4 million for West Central Minnesota. This legislation, which I authored with a bipartisan group of legislators,  provides $24 million in emergency aid for EMS providers who are focused on services in Greater Minnesota. Another $6 million is dedicated to an innovative sprint medic pilot program for Otter Tail, Grant and St. Louis counties.

Throughout the interim, a bipartisan EMS Task Force, including myself and Representative Jeff Backer, investigated how the state can improve the life-saving services provided by EMS personnel. Access to emergency medical services is crucial for Greater Minnesota, but providing these services in our rural areas is much more challenging. After hearing the concerns of Minnesotans, the EMS Task Force made key recommendations, many of which are reflected in the Senate’s EMS aid package. I am grateful to the Minnesotans who engaged in the listening sessions we held across the state. Their feedback allowed us to better recognize what is driving a lot of the crisis today.

The legislation received unanimous support in the Senate, and it was signed into law by the Governor. If you wish to read more on the topic, click here.


Memorial Day Events

On Memorial Day, we remember our friends, neighbors, and family members who paid the ultimate sacrifice while defending our freedoms. This day was first observed on May 30, 1868 to commemorate the soldiers who died in the Civil War - more than 620,000 lives lost, and sadly, many more since then. We remember them with gratitude for their sacrifice and the sacrifice of their families.

To commemorate this Memorial Day, I invite you to join me at one of the following two events:

Parkers Prairie Veterans Memorial Park Dedication


Monday, May 27, 2024

Parkers Prairie Veterans Memorial Park (802 Broadway St.)

Program: Starts at 11:30 a.m.

Deer Creek Memorial Day


Monday, May 27, 2024

Deer Creek Community Center (106 Main Ave E)

Breakfast: 7:30 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. (Free will donation)

Program: Starts at 10:30 a.m.

A groundbreaking ceremony took place in Parkers Prairie last year on May 24. The construction of the Parkers Prairie Veterans Memorial Park was made possible by generous donations from the community and local leaders who helped us secure $50,000 in the state’s capital investment bill. Additionally, thank you to the Deer Creek American Legion for their efforts in planning the event in Deer Creek.


With Gratitude,

Senator Rasmusson's Signature

Senator Jordan Rasmusson

District 9