Dear John,
In case you missed it...this week the Voices for Human Needs blog speaks out against a House proposal that would cut SNAP benefits by nearly $30 billion over a decade. And we report on efforts by advocates for older Americans who oppose that same measure. Finally, we unveil CHN's latest Human Needs Watch: Tracking Hardship, which dives deeper into the House and Senate versions of the Farm Bill -- the good, the bad, and the ugly. Meanwhile, if you know of colleagues, friends, family members or others who you think should subscribe to the weekly Voices blog summary, please encourage them to do so here.
This week on the blog...
Coalition on Human Needs: House Farm Bill is a Cruel and Inhumane Blueprint for Increasing Hunger in America
May 21
If the Farm Bill to be considered in the House Committee on Agriculture on May 23 becomes law, it will mean a cut of nearly $30 billion in SNAP benefits over a decade. Such cuts are unconscionable. For many children, they will make learning more difficult and lead to negative health outcomes. They will force families to choose between putting food on the table and paying for other expenses such as rent, utility bills, or prescription drugs. They will also harm our economy, removing the stimulative benefits of SNAP and even hurting farmers and ranchers along the way. READ MORE »
Advocates for older Americans tell Congress: Don't cut SNAP's Thrifty Food Plan
May 23
Three dozen groups advocating for older Americans this week delivered a letter to the chairs and ranking members of the House and Senate Agriculture committees expressing concern about possible cuts to SNAP. Advocates delivered the letter as the House Agriculture Committee prepared to begin their Thursday markup of the Farm Bill, which policy experts say could cut nearly $30 billion from SNAP over a 10-year period. READ MORE »
CHN's Human Needs Watch: Tracking Hardship
May 20
The tale of two farm bills edition. One of the most important jobs Congress must accomplish during its remaining time before final adjournment is passage of the 2024 Farm Bill. This legislation – which is scheduled to be renewed every five years – is of utmost importance to human needs advocates because it sets policies and funding for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), the nation’s most important and effective tool for fighting hunger. READ MORE »
Coalition on Human Needs
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