Ever wondered what kind of tree you are? Or what apex predator?
EARTHDAY.ORG’s personality quizzes show how the inner you aligns with
conservation, plastics policy, and more.
Check out our original quizzes to reveal your unique
connections to the natural world.
At EARTHDAY.ORG, we believe that climate and environmental
literacy is crucial to making informed decisions in the fight to save
our planet. Knowledge of the challenges facing our world inspires
active engagement in addressing these issues. Educating
yourself is one step towards a more sustainable future.
That’s why we create quizzes,
and factsheets
that span the spectrum of environmental issues. Our climate change
trivia quiz has been taken 170,000 times!
Join those in the know and take our quizzes to learn
more about the planet we live on.
For knowledge,
The team at EARTHDAY.ORG