I wanted to break through a lot of the irrelevant discussion that is taking place regarding politics and the economy in America today, and force real discussion about real issues.

Friends -

As some of you know, I’ve recently written a New York Times best-selling book entitled, "It’s OK To Be Angry About Capitalism." It has recently been re-published in paperback.

It’s a good book. It’s an important book. It deals with issues that too few people in Congress or the media are discussing. Among other issues it touches on:

Most importantly, this book provides a path forward both in terms of public policy and politics. Yes. We can create a vibrant democracy and a government that works for all, and not just the few.

I hope you’ll buy it by making a contribution to my campaign committee.

You can do that at this link:


Recently, I have also been doing some podcasts you can find on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, YouTube and also links I post on social media.

I wanted to share two episodes with you today.

Bernie: The Podcast | Episode 6 - Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

First, I spoke with Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez about her background, upbringing and how it shaped her political views as well as her path to Congress and the importance of the upcoming election.

Screenshot of Bernie: The Podcast with AOC

Bernie: The Podcast | Episode 7 - Rep. Ilhan Omar

I also spoke with Ilhan Omar about her own experience living through war as a child, how it informed her outlook on the world, and how together we can create a more humane world.

Screenshot of Bernie: The Podcast with Ilhan Omar

I think you'll enjoy both of these episodes. Please watch or listen and share with your friends.

In solidarity,

Bernie Sanders

Wait, before you go! 👋

If you enjoyed these podcasts I think you will enjoy my book as well. It breaks through all of the talk about polls, dumb things politicians say, and is about more than the latest election. It talks about the reality facing us and how, in the richest country on earth, we can create a government and economy that works for all and not just the 1%.

I can go on and on and on, but that’s what the book is about. I hope you'll read it.

Every dollar we raise will go toward covering the cost of buying the books, shipping them to you, and anything left over will be used to help elect progressives across the country in the next election.