
In honor of AANHPI Heritage Month, we want to shine a spotlight on Priya Sundareshan. She was elected to the Arizona Senate in 2023 to represent Legislative District 18 in the Arizona Senate, where she holds the prestigious role of Ranking Member on the Elections and Natural Resources/Energy/Water Committees and also serves on the Government Committee.


Born and raised in LD18, Priya has a deep love for Tucson and the opportunities she had for an excellent public education and exploring the outdoors. Her background is as diverse as her constituents - having taught natural resources law at the University of Arizona and advocated for sustainable resource management with the Environmental Defense Fund. Priya's dedication to public service extends to her work as a voting rights advocate, where she has led efforts to protect voters and champion fair redistricting within the Arizona Democratic Party.


With an academic foundation in engineering from MIT and law and natural resource economics from the U of A, Priya emphasizes the importance of science-based decision-making in politics, particularly in safeguarding Arizona's natural resources for future generations. As a mother of two, she is committed to creating a sustainable world for her children and all the children of Arizona.


Beyond her legislative work, Priya is an active member of United Campus Workers, CWA Local 7065, and is very proud of the work UCW has done to organize campus staff and faculty and advocate for better working conditions and university management. She makes sure to get the input of labor on bills that come before the legislature and fights back against efforts to weaken workers rights. Priya Sundareshan serves as an inspiring example of leadership, advocacy, and dedication to the community. 



AFL-CIO Governance, Education, and Training - Spring 2024


Click on the button below to access a list of over ten virtual and in person trainings that the National AFL-CIO is offering this spring! 

End Anti-Asian Racism! Pledge to Build a Stronger Labor Movement Together


The labor movement must build a workers’ movement truly inclusive of all workers! Will you pledge to take concrete actions toward ending anti-Asian racism? As members, union leaders, and workers united, we must fight for racial justice as fiercely as we fight for workers’ rights!


Pledge to take all or some of these actions in your labor communities, and we'll get in touch with you to provide support and technical assistance toward your goals.

Tell Your Legislators to VOTE NO on HB2274! 


HB2274 deals with creating special tax districts for theme parks and stadiums. These special tax districts can levy as much as a 9% sales tax within the district's bounds, which can be used by developers to recover construction-related debt. Currently, for a development company to get this kind of deal, it would have to get approval from the city that wants to bring this project in. This legislation would remove City input on the ability to approve that surcharge, even if it is fully within that city’s limits.   

How Critical Is the ACP to Americans? 


Access to the internet is crucial in today's interconnected world. The Affordable Connectivity Program has been a lifeline for millions, but its funding is about to dry up in just TWO WEEKS. Without it, many will have to choose between the internet and other essentials. We can't let that happen. Contact Congress today and urge them to fund the ACP to ensure everyone stays connected!

Protect Tipped Workers: Oppose SCR 1040 NOW! 


Tipped workers across Arizona face a critical threat to their livelihoods, and they urgently need your support. SCR 1040 poses a grave danger, casting a shadow over the financial security of these hardworking individuals.

In 2016, voters approved The Fair Wages and Healthy Families Act (Proposition 206), a vital step toward ensuring fair treatment for all workers, including tipped employees. SCR 1040 now looms, potentially eroding the hard-won progress of fair compensation for workers.

We urge you to take action now by writing to your legislators. Stand in solidarity with tipped workers by opposing the SCR 1040. Your voice matters, and together, we can protect the rights and dignity of hardworking individuals who rely on tips to make ends meet.

AZ AFL-CIO 2024 Candidate Endorsements 


Mark your calendars for Arizona's Primary Election on July 30th and General Election on November 5th! 


The Arizona AFL-CIO has just released endorsements for Congressional and Senate candidates. Stay tuned for Additional Endorsements coming your way by June 2024. 


Endorsements will be updated on our website:

AFL-CIO Governance, Education, and Training - Labor 2024 Workshop


Click on the button below to access a list of over ten virtual and in person trainings that the National AFL-CIO is offering! 

2024 Legislative Committee Meeting Alerts - AZ AFL-CIO 


Join us every Friday at 9:30 AM via Zoom to get updates and alerts on the 2nd Regular Session of the 56th Legislature. Click on the button below and complete the form. 


For additional questions, contact our Political Director, Joe Murphy at [email protected].  







AANHPI Heritage Month Profiles


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If you'd like to promote an event for your union in our weekly newsletter, fill out our submission form or email AZ AFL-CIO  Communications & Operations Director Alina Cordoba at [email protected]