
Dear John,


I fought to get back on the House Agriculture Committee this Congress because I recognize the essential role Minnesota’s family farmers and producers play in feeding and fueling our nation.


That’s why I introduced 12 bipartisan bills in a good faith effort to deliver a Farm Bill that will work for Minnesota’s rural communities.


Our job is to pass a bipartisan Farm Bill that supports our local family farmers – that means a bill that strengthens the farm safety net, ensures a strong nutrition title that gives working families the support they need and invests in our rural communities by opening Minnesota farmers up to new markets in renewable fuels and biobased products.


This week on the House Ag Committee, we finally got a Farm Bill presented to us for a vote, and while I support many policies in the current House Farm Bill – including the 12 pieces of bipartisan legislation I authored to strengthen the bill – I have serious concerns with the funding mechanisms, the bill’s de-prioritization of traditionally midwestern crops, as well as concerns about the bill’s path forward.


The partisan House Farm Bill would roll back the climate-smart ag policies I championed as part of the Inflation Reduction Act, prioritize traditionally southern crops like cotton and rice over midwestern crops like corn and soybeans and cut $320 million in nutrition assistance funding in Minnesota.


The Congressional Budget Office also this week estimated the bill would add nearly $40 billion to the deficit.


I even called a meeting with Ag Committee Chairman Glen Thompson and a group of Ag Committee Democrats this week in an attempt to reach bipartisan consensus, but the Chairman rejected our effort to negotiate the bill’s funding mechanisms.


The bottom line here is that a Farm Bill like this one, that will never become law, won’t help a single Minnesotan. I’m disappointed that Washington Republicans turned the Farm Bill – which is usually a place for bipartisan cooperation – into just one more political exercise.


I stand ready to work with Republicans and Democrats to get a strong, bipartisan Farm Bill signed into law.


Here’s what else I was up to this week:


Thanking Minnesota’s local law enforcement officers

On Monday, I stopped by the Rosemount Police Department to thank them for their service to our community and get a tour of the construction of their new police station.




Recognizing National EMS Week

I also stopped by the Lakeville Fire Department to thank our firefighters and EMTs for their service & recognize the start of National EMS Week. I’ll keep fighting to ensure our local fire departments have everything they need to keep our communities safe and healthy.




Supporting Minnesota’s trade workers

On Wednesday, I met with United Steelworkers in my DC office to talk about how we can support Minnesota workers & help more folks build a successful career in the trades.




Behind the scenes with Rep. Craig:


We broke the Twins losing streak this week – a 10-0 win!




I’m looking forward to being back in Minnesota next week and want to wish you all a safe and peaceful Memorial Day weekend!


Until next time,

Angie Craig

Member of Congress


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