It's vital that we elect the next generation of Green MPs.



This week I spoke and voted for the very last time in the House of Commons.


Next Thursday when parliament is officially dissolved for the election, my fourteen years as the country’s first Green MP will come to an end.


And I have mixed feelings! We desperately need an election. This divisive, dangerous Government has clung on to power for far too long. And the damage they are doing is immense.


But I’ll miss this job, my wonderful team and the privilege of representing Brighton Pavilion constituents more than I can say. Thank you to everyone who has been on this remarkable journey with me.


The reason I came into politics was to change things. And I hope that I have - pushing the climate and nature crises up the political agenda, challenging the obsession with endless economic growth, and making the case for a more compassionate, sustainable society.


There is so much more to do, of course. Under this Government, the UK has lost any shred of climate credibility, greenlighting new oil and gas and rolling back regulation. Rishi Sunak being heavily rained on whilst standing outside Downing Street warning of storms ahead - could anything be more fitting?


And under successive PMs, this Government has presided over the decimation of public services; the immoral and illegal Asylum Act; the shit show that’s the result of private companies owning our water supply; record numbers of homeless people; and relentless attacks on fundamental democratic rights.


Now’s our chance to be rid of them! But whilst Labour looks almost certain to form the Government, it’s still sitting on the fence on so many important issues. It’s staggering Keir Starmer won’t even commit to lifting the two-child benefit cap which is causing so much hardship.


So it’s vital that we elect the next generation of Green MPs. Greens will be needed to push a Labour Government to invest in a green transition, revitalise public services and tackle obscene levels of inequality.


That’s why I am asking you to help us win our four target campaigns – to elect Sian in Brighton Pavilion, Carla in Bristol Central, Ellie in North Herefordshire, and Adrian in Waveney Valley.


All will make brilliant MPs and will stand up for a fairer future for us all.


John, together we made a historic breakthrough when I was elected in 2010. Now the Green Party is ready to get four Green MPs elected.


We can do it. We must do it. We need them to continue the work I have started.


The case for the next generation of Green MPs has never been stronger.


Please donate whatever you can to our campaign.

Thank you so much for your support. 


In gratitude,

Caroline Lucas MP


Promoted by Chris Williams on behalf of The Green Party, both at PO Box 78066, London SE16 9GQ