A global pandemic isn't stopping Republicans from trying to defeat Cory.


Friends —

Last week was the candidate filing deadline in New Jersey and five — yes five — Republicans are on the ballot to run against Cory for his seat in the Senate.

While much has changed over the course of these last few weeks, here’s what hasn’t: we absolutely need to keep up the fight to defend Cory’s seat. Mitch McConnell and his dark-money network aren’t taking any days off from cutting hefty checks to try and keep control of the Senate.

From the very beginning of this campaign, Cory has refused to accept a dime from federal lobbyists, corporate PACs, or fossil fuel and pharma execs. We’re doing things differently — we’re building a movement funded by and for the people.

But to do it, we need your help. If you can — and only if you can — will you make a donation of any amount to Cory’s Senate campaign? We’re relying on grassroots supporters like you chipping in a few dollars to emails just like this one to have the resources we need to win in November.

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

This unprecedented global pandemic has meant fundamentally changing the way we do things. Our staff is working from home, in-person events, rallies, and fundraisers have been canceled, and we’re shifting gears to be able to reach as many voters as possible remotely now through November.

But no matter what happens in the weeks to come, you can be sure that Cory will still be fighting every day to help our country overcome and heal from this public health crisis.

We don’t expect the road to November to be an easy one as we all navigate this new normal. But if we stay focused and never lose sight of how high the stakes are, we can win this election and keep Cory in the Senate.

Anything you can chip in today will go a long way towards reaching that goal. We’re going to need an early surge of grassroots support to stay on track, so we appreciate anything you can contribute.

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

Thanks for all you do to power this movement.

Team Booker


We know this is a tough time for everyone and we mean it when we ask that you only donate if you’re able to. Above all, please focus on keeping you and your loved ones safe and healthy. If you’d like to receive fewer emails during this public health crisis, please click here.