Need your help to overcome this

John, it’s Frank.

This isn’t the email I want to write, but I need to let you know: grassroots fundraising is slowing down.

I can’t stress enough how important it is that we keep this seat. I see everyday how extremists in Congress band together against productive legislation that would help secure the rights and livelihoods of all Americans.

They are pushing anti-choice bills onto the floor, they are working against the lowering of prescription drug costs, and they are supporting corporate interests over those of working families.

There is so much at stake in this election, from women’s reproductive rights to Democracy itself.

Let's be clear about one thing: if elected, my Republican opponent will undoubtedly do the MAGA Majority’s bidding in Congress.

John, I can’t do this alone. Without the support of my grassroots team, our chances in November take a huge hit. So can you please chip in whatever you can to keep my team and I on track to keep fighting for our values in Congress?

Here’s a personal link for you:

