Justice Elena Kagan is SPEAKING OUT!

Elena Kagan: Wasn’t the whole point that… the president was not supposed to be above the law?

Should Donald Trump be convicted for his crimes? >>

YES >>
NO >>


Friend, do you fully understand what is going on?

ONE: The Supreme Court is PACKED with Trump’s far-right buddies who could DELAY his criminal trials until after the election.

TWO: Free from his criminal cases, Trump could spend more time attacking President Biden and Democrats to WIN reelection this fall.

THREE: As President, Trump would FIRE prosecutors like Jack Smith and Fani Willis to make sure NO ONE can hold him accountable.

This is the WORST-CASE scenario, Friend.

🇺🇸 But courageous Justices like Elena Kagan and Ketanji Brown Jackson are fighting back to make sure JUSTICE IS SERVED:

KBJ: Absolute immunity could turn the Oval Office into ‘the seat of criminal activity in this country.’

Now we need to hear from Democrats like you:
Should Donald Trump be convicted for his crimes? >>

YES >>
NO >>

Thank you for making your voice heard.


Thank you for supporting March On PAC, Friend. Our women-led team worked day and night to power Joe Biden and Kamala Harris to a historic win in 2020. Now, we're gearing up to win again by taking back the House, saving the Senate, and defeating Donald Trump once and for all!!!

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Remember: if we allow Donald Trump and his MAGA Republicans to seize power this election, all of our hard-earned progress will be destroyed. We CANNOT afford to lose!

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