Dear John,
We've got good news—immigrant families living in Florida can breathe a sigh of relief. A federal court agreed to block a key part of Gov. Ron DeSantis' anti-immigrant law.
Section 10 of Senate Bill 1718 made it a crime to drive an immigrant who entered the U.S. without inspection into Florida.
This law has made everyday life incredibly difficult for immigrants and communities of color at large. Something as simple as a trip to the grocery store or driving to a doctor's appointment became potentially dangerous.
We knew this law was unconstitutional and fraught with racial bias, for both citizens and noncitizens alike. On Wednesday, the court agreed that the law is likely unconstitutional.
This ruling means freedom from fear and increased safety for people living in Florida. As states pass unjust and unconstitutional laws that target people for their immigration status, it’s critical that our courts set a precedent for protecting those at risk.
The American Immigration Council and our partners—the American Civil Liberties Union, ACLU of Florida, Americans for Immigrant Justice, and the Southern Poverty Law Center—filed this lawsuit on behalf of several individuals and the Farmworker Association of Florida, challenging Section 10.
We will keep you updated as the case continues. In the meantime, please consider making a gift in support of this litigation.
Emma Winger
Deputy Legal Director