Shall not be infringed.” That’s what the Constitution says, and that’s what I will fight for when elected to Congress.

As a Florida legislator, I introduced Constitutional Carry and was the strongest lawmaker supporting our Second Amendment rights that Florida has had in decades.

Now, I’m running for Congress to take that same fight to Washington. The spineless RINOs and gun-grabbing Democrats want to strip law-abiding Americans of our constitutionally protected, God-given right to keep and bear arms….

Protecting our Second Amendment right is more important than ever!

The one thing about RINOs is they cave under pressure…

As an Army Veteran and America-First conservative Republican, I understand the importance of being able to defend yourself, and I will fight for our Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms in Washington.

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Our Constitutional rights are non-negotiable, and we cannot risk electing more RINOs to Congress who will reach across the aisle to disarm law-abiding Americans like you and me.


Anthony Sabatini
Candidate for Congress FL-11
Personal cell number: 352-455-2928