I’m sitting here feeling a little scared. And a little excited. Looking at a threatening 19-page legal letter.
It’s from Barrick Gold’s hotshot lawyer, and it threatens to take us to court. They obviously didn’t like the work we did to support their shareholders confronting them about a brutal pattern of corporate intimidation and destruction.
This is big. Barrick is a $30-billion megacorporation. We’re a tiny non-profit, trying to hold them accountable. And they are infamous for legal strong-arm tactics to silence opponents…they even bragged about it in their letter! And now they’re coming after us.
We urgently need to hire a smart, scrappy lawyer to go up against Barrick's best – even just pushing back against their threats could be costly, let alone going to court.
But scaring people is what these people do. And I’m not going to let it happen to us. We’re not backing down, because we’re a movement of millions of people that just aren’t afraid. This is what we’re here to do. Click to donate to help defend Ekō and send Barrick a message: come after us and you’ll only make us stronger.
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You can read their letter by clicking this link.
It threatens to sue us over an email we sent about the environmental damage they've caused and the shady tactics they've used to get away with it, unless we issue a retraction and apology. But Barrick has caused environmental damage and used shady tactics to get away with it.
Is our email inaccurate? Well, when we said Barrick unleashes destruction and death “wherever it turns” and that they threaten and intimidate “anyone” who dares to stand up to it…we didn’t mean literally every place and every person on the planet…But you already knew that :)
The rest of the things they complain about have all been reported as true! And we can’t wait to go to court to prove that in public, if that’s what Barrick wants.
Here’s what’s really happening: we’re calling out Barrick’s misbehaviour. We won an unexpectedly large share of the vote on a shareholder resolution at their recent AGM. And we ran a campaign calling out their CEO for telling a human rights defender to “go back to Balochistan”, the region of Pakistan that he was forced to flee.
So they got a bad case of hurt feelings, and they want to stop us from being able to do it again.
By fighting them hard, we’ll not only be defending Ekō and fighting exploitative mining, we’ll also be helping activists around the world who have tried to stop Barrick from destroying their homes and nature.
Together, thousands of us are already taking on Barrick in the boardroom and beyond, now let’s show them we’ll fight them in court too:
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There aren't many corporations in the world that are bigger than Barrick. The fact that they’re this bothered by our campaigning work shows just how strong our people power can become. If we stick together, we can go toe-to-toe with anyone.