nominate the next EFF AWARD HONOREE

Dear Supporter of Digital Freedom,
Nominations are open for the 2024 EFF Awards! Who are the key leaders and organizations making waves in the fight for freedom and innovation online? Tell us who you think deserves an EFF Award by May 31st at 2:00 PM Pacific time.
The internet is a necessity in modern life and a continually evolving tool for communication, creativity, and human potential. Together we carry—and must always steward—the movement to protect civil liberties and human rights online. Will you help us spotlight some of the latest and most impactful work towards a better digital future?
Past Honorees include visionary activist Aaron Swartz, human rights and security researchers The Citizen Lab, media activist Malkia Devich-Cyril, cyberpunk author William Gibson, and whistle-blower Chelsea Manning. Let EFF know who this year’s honorees should be.
For your rights online,
Melissa Srago
EFF Membership Team
Sponsor one of our annual events and join the movement for digital privacy, free speech, and innovation. Please contact [email protected] for more information.
Questions? Email us at [email protected].