From Jodie, Local Peace Economy <>
Subject Thank you + see you next time!
Date May 24, 2024 12:01 AM
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Join us on June 17th for the local peace economy teach-in at Gaza Summer School!

<[link removed]>RSVP Now! <[link removed]>

Dear John,

Thank you to all those who joined us for the Local Peace Economy meeting last night!

We are so grateful that Calandra Davis could join us to share about her experience cultivating community in Mississippi. She offered so much wisdom about relationships being the fabric of community and how to address individualism when it arises. One quote that we're carrying with us: "Shared space and community are two very different things." If you want to revisit the content, or if you weren’t able to join us, you can watch the recording <[link removed]> of last night's call. If you'd like to support Calandra's community, you can donate here <[link removed]> or give your time and talent through various volunteer opportunities. For more information, reach out to Calandra at <>.

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Our next meeting will be Wednesday, <[link removed]> June 5th at 5:00pm PT/8:00pm ET.

<[link removed]>RSVP Now! <[link removed]>

Before our next gathering, continue reflecting on what you learned last night about community. Where have you created community? What have you learned from it? What have been your trials and successes in creating community? What fears do you have about deepening into community?

After the call ended, JoAnne passed along a quote from an indigenous elder (name unknown) that she wanted to share with the group: "We are here to help each other and make each other happy." It may sound simple, perhaps even frustratingly so, and yet, the truth is often so much simpler than we want to admit. This wisdom is the spirit of the local peace economy.

We'd love to continue to hear about what you're learning! Join the local peace economy listserve to stay connected and continue learning with others in between our bi-weekly calls! You can join the listserve here <[link removed]>.

If you have an idea for a local peace economy project and would like specific support bringing it to life, reach out to Emily at <> to set up a time to talk!

Links shared during the call:

- Dear Mothership, (poem by Marcus Wicker) <[link removed]>
- RSVP to the Local Peace Economy Teach-In at Gaza Summer School on 6/17! <[link removed]>
- War Is Weaponized Confusion - a recent CODEPINK blog post <[link removed]>
- Only Revolutionary Love Can Save Us Now - article by Michelle Alexander <[link removed]>
- Occupy Love (film) <[link removed]>

Other supportive resources:

- Download The Local Peace Economy Workbook (free digital version) <[link removed]>
- Purchase The Local Peace Economy Workbook (physical copy) <[link removed]>
- Video introduction to the workbook <[link removed]>
- Resources for the Cycle of (Re)connection <[link removed]>
- Local Peace Economy Ecosystem <[link removed]>
- Local Peace Economy Wiki <[link removed]>
- CODEPINK Radio Ep. 242: The Local Peace Economy <[link removed]>

If you have any questions, please email Emily at <>. We look forward to seeing you on June 5th <[link removed]>!

<[link removed]>RSVP Now! <[link removed]>

With care,

Jodie and Emily

Dear Mothership,
by Marcus Wicker

Earth is reeking. And we obsidian-backed, winged
cling to the funk in a language that never fails: Peace vibes.
Wonderment & all that pimp shit. An ambrosia we invent
to savor roses through the stink. Like witchgrass effacing
a wheat bed with a gangster lean, bias paralyzes
their country—white flame searing through red & blue cells.
Branded into whosoever drinks. America, the perforated
straw in a single fold; stop creasing my visage with grief!
If only in the beginning someone said: I wish us the sun
& everything under it. Perhaps then we'd survive by friendship,
happiness, justice, love. Say: Together we can do the necessary.
If only from the jump pled everyone at the house party: 
Mothership, teach me how to be neighborly. How to gather light
in. Then release. Mother, please teach me how to be human.

CODEPINK - 578 Washington Blvd, #395, Marina Del Rey, CA 90292, United States
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