Gabriel Sanchcez Wins State House Race!

🌹Socialism Wins in Smyrna!🌹

Against all odds - Democratic Socialist candidate Gabriel Sanchez has won the Georgia State House Primary in House District 42!  We want to thank all of DSA's volunteers who contributed to this campaign over the last 6 months - door knocking, phone banking, and more! This was truly a people-powered campaign. Together, volunteers knocked 17,000 doors and made 11,000 phone calls to voters. We couldn't have done this without all of you!


This win was a resounding victory for Democratic Socialism in the South. Overwhelmingly, voters we spoke with at the door strongly support the issues we championed - Affordable Housing, Medicare for All, Abortion Rights, and Green Union Jobs! Socialist issues are popular, and our resounding 14 percentage point victory shows this is true. Join us in the movement to build a more democratic and just society!

So, we elected a socialist to office - what's next? Join us for our upcoming General Meeting on June 1 to celebrate our victory, debrief how we won, and discuss ATLDSA's next steps. Meet us at 711 Catherine St 1-3PM for the meeting, and come early at noon for a potluck and new member orientation! All are welcome, bring a potluck dish!

Again, we want to thank and celebrate the over ONE HUNDRED unique volunteers who showed up to contribute over the course of this campaign. If you aren't yet a member, we strongly encourage you to join DSA and be a part of this fight! If you're an expired member, renew your membership today! This is only the beginning - socialism is here to win, and it's here to stay!


Atlanta Democratic Socialists of America

Fighting for the many, not the few