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Dear John

The summer general election will be make or break for the countryside.  

The next government will be faced with urgent, era-defining decisions on housing, environmental protections, and energy supply which will have big impacts on rural communities and our finite supply of land. 

The next six weeks are critical. We must ramp up our influence on all political parties so they recognise the value of our countryside and the role it can play in tackling the challenges that face our country and planet. 

John, will you donate today? With your help, we can make our campaigning count and ensure that the next government and your local representatives take action for our countryside, from day one. 

Yes, I'll donate today

Together we can make sure the next government: 

  • Protects our green spaces and addresses the housing crisis by building in the right places - there are enough brownfield sites to accommodate most of the new housing we need.  

  • Unlocks the potential of our rooftops to deliver clean and sustainable electricity while upgrading our crumbling energy grid and protecting nature and our treasured landscapes.

  • Addresses the climate emergency with a long-term, cross-departmental vision for how we manage and use land across England and a planning system that has local communities at its heart. 

Please donate today and help ensure the new government keeps the countryside at the top of the political agenda.

Yes, I'll help

Thank you for your support at this critical time.

Yours sincerely,

Elli Moody 

Director of Policy, Campaigns and Communications

P.S. We don’t have long. Please donate today so we can stand up for the beauty and space of the great outdoors that only our countryside and its landscapes can offer. 

green curve