From Team LBR <[email protected]>
Subject We missed our goal
Date May 23, 2024 3:58 PM
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This isn’t the message we hoped to send today, but we came up $12,893 short of Monday’s rapid response goal. We would never expect you to donate the entire $12,893 alone, that’s ridiculous.

But we are going to ask you to rush just $10 or $25 so we can chip away at our goal. If everyone reading this email steps up with a grassroots donation, we can crush this goal in no time. [[link removed]?]

We don’t come up short often, but when we do, it’s critically important that we make up the difference fast. We just can’t afford to miss goals like this, especially not after a Tucker Carlson affiliate launched a vicious attack against us.

This is the last month before our FEC deadline when all of our fundraising numbers become public and we’re legally required to report how much we’ve raised.

We know we ask a lot, but we really need your help to get back on track to set the record straight. Will you rush $10 or more to help us catch up on our missed goal? [[link removed]]

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

CHIP IN $10 » [[link removed]] CHIP IN $25 » [[link removed]]

CHIP IN $50 » [[link removed]] CHIP IN $100 » [[link removed]]

CHIP IN $200 » [[link removed]] CHIP IN OTHER » [[link removed]]

Thank you,

Team LBR

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In 2022, Mitch McConnell's personally-aligned Super PAC spent a record-breaking $205 million on Senate Races. And that number is likely to increase in 2024!
Help us make history by sending Lisa Blunt Rochester to the Senate!
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