National Demonstration. Stop Arming Israel. Ceasefire Now. Saturday 27 April, Assemble 12 noon. Parliament Square to Hyde Park. Logos of CND, Muslim Association of Britain, Stop the War Coalition, PSC, and the Palestinian Forum in Britain

General Election 2024


Everyone wants our vote on July 4th! How we cast our ballot can make a difference to the way our country is run, to the role that Britain plays in the world, and whether we stand for peace or war. For years now successive governments have backed nuclear weapons, escalated wars, broken international law and poured ?billions down the military drain. Now more and more of us are saying No!


Let's work to cast our votes for peace - let's make sure that every candidate knows that where they stand on these great moral and political issues makes a difference at the ballot box. If they have been an MP, what has their voting record been, on Trident replacement, on Ceasefire in Gaza, on war and military spending, on nuclear power?


If they're new to national politics we need to make sure we know their views and their track record. None of us wants to accidentally vote for a warmonger or a nuclear supporter.

How you can help


We are asking you to contact all parliamentary candidates in your constituency, and find out what their views are: on nuclear weapons, on disarmament, on calls for ceasefire, and other crucial peace and nuclear issues. Then we want you to report them back to us. We will compile the responses and publish them: to help everyone make their best election choice.?


To make it easy, we have drawn up a model letter including a questionnaire for you to send to your candidate. Use our online lobby tool.?


And go to our dedicated General Election 2024 page, where you can find CND's campaign guide, links to opinion polling on key issues, and party positions on nuclear weapons.


Let's work to make a real impact in the next six weeks. Let's make a difference, and make sure peace counts at the ballot box.


Copyright ? 2024 Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament, All rights reserved.

We collected your name from a petition or you are a member of CND


Our mailing address is:

Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament

162 Holloway Road

London N7 8DQ

United Kingdom