Today we are publishing a special edition of our annual Political Tech Landscape Report, focused entirely on the emerging use cases, needs, gaps, and opportunities presented by the introduction of generative AI in politics.  

Generative AI has the potential to be one of the most transformative technologies of our lifetimes. Every industry is grappling with its impacts and how to prepare. Politics is no different.
Read the report
If you looked at the headlines alone, you wouldn’t think there was much cause for optimism. Stories about bad actors using deepfakes or spreading misinformation are rightfully generating concern. But for campaigners, these headlines can also obscure AI’s potential to revolutionize how we approach every aspect of our work. 

In the research process, we wanted to approach AI like any other tool to judge what makes it effective or dangerous. How is it being used? Who is using it? What are the norms of what’s acceptable? Where are opportunities for innovation? This report—the first of its kind—aims to explore these questions and outline how the AI political tech landscape is beginning to take shape. 

Read the full downloadable AI Landscape Report to explore the key political AI developments in the progressive tech ecosystem.
Download your copy
If you want to learn and discuss more about this research, join HGL at our next co-hosted AI Open Mic webinar on June 11th, 2pm ET, focused on the AI Political Tech Landscape Report Overview. 

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—Betsy Hoover
Founder & Managing Partner

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