Hi John, With your help, Unto is serving in countries around the world. But in many of these places, the only way our staff can get in is by delivering humanitarian aid you help provide. In one closed country where our teams serve, nearly 25 percent of the population lives on less than $1.25 a day. The majority of water sources are also contaminated, and families struggle to access the basic items they need for survival. Even more challenging, most have never heard about Jesus. Over the next four months, Unto plans to send eight HUGE shipping containers packed with critical aid worth nearly $2 million to suffering people in critical need. Six of these shipments are going to places that are closed to the message of eternal hope. For these containers to reach their destinations on time, $216,000 is needed by July 15. |
Meeting this need is so important that a generous donor has given the first $150,000 as a Challenge Grant. They are inviting people like you to join them, by giving what you can to help deliver this aid and open doors for the hope of Jesus to be shared. This aid will be used in places like … Southeast Asia: To assist Burmese refugees who had fled civil war, local staff members used boats to reach them. Providing this aid opened the door for the “JESUS” film to be shown in the camp, and many responded to the gospel. Sierra Leone: Our staff hiked over an hour to get to a remote village to distribute safe water systems and buckets. This work helped local believers from newly established churches to share the hope of Jesus with other villagers. The Toughest Places: Dirt roads, mountainous terrain and jungles. It’s not uncommon for our staff teams to encounter various kinds of roadblocks and wildlife during the journey!
Because the aid has been donated or purchased at a deep discount, all we need are the funds to ship and deliver it internationally. That is why every dollar you give today can go TEN times as far! Every $10 you give will deliver $100 worth of meals, safe water systems, medical supplies and more. You will also enable local staff teams to access unreached people groups, build credibility, and increase their ministry effectiveness. Would you consider a generous gift today to help deliver 10 times the lifesaving aid and share hope with those who have never heard? You can help create more opportunities for in-country staff members to share the gospel with unreached people by sending humanitarian aid. In places like Southeast Asia, Sierra Leone and beyond, humanitarian aid is the only reason ministry is allowed to continue. It allows our staff teams and partners to access unreached people groups. It helps them build credibility within their communities. And it increases their ministry effectiveness — allowing them to express the kindness of Jesus to those who’ve never heard about Him. Often people tell our field staff members, “Even our close relatives don’t take care of us like you.” Together we can reach them with help and the message of hope. By working with Cru® national staff members in more than 50 countries, Unto can go where many others cannot, tangibly meeting needs and sharing the gospel. Would you consider a generous gift to multiply your impact today? Your gift of $50 will deliver $500 worth of lifesaving aid. A gift of $100 will deliver $1,000 worth of aid! Any gift you make today will create opportunities for unreached people to hear the gospel. Thank you for considering this request to deliver lifesaving aid to suffering people and to share the gospel with those who’ve never heard. Together we are relieving suffering, restoring dignity and revealing hope in the toughest places on earth.
Serving together,
P.S. Don’t let this opportunity pass by! Thanks to a generous partner, a $150,000 Challenge Grant is on the line. Today, you can help deliver 10x the amount of lifesaving aid to suffering people. |
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