From The Long Run PAC <>
Subject Question for you
Date May 23, 2024 12:55 PM
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[1]The Long Run PAC

Question for you:

If you knew that making a $5 donation would guarantee that Democrats win in Wisconsin and hold both the Senate and the White House, wouldn’t you chip in that $5?

Wouldn’t it be the best $5 you’ve ever spent?

We may be simplifying it quite a bit, but it is true. Because the only way we can help our Long Run candidates win big in key battleground races is if everyone chips in what they can.

It may be $5 when it’s just you contributing. But when someone else chips in $5, it becomes $10. When 50 people chip in $5, it becomes $250. You get the idea.

All of the sudden it becomes enough money to go up against the GOP and win across the country.

A few people have probably donated their $5 by the time you’ve read this far. They’re hoping you’ll do the same.

So please,

Make a contribution of $5 and help power our mission. We’re electing pro-democracy candidates in 2024, but we can’t do it alone.

CONTRIBUTE: [link removed]

Thank you in advance for your help today.

— The Long Run PAC

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