THE ONLY OFFICIAL EMAILS FROM TED BUDD Patriot, 2024 is the year that Republicans will keep the House and take back the Senate and White House. I am endorsing Congressman Ryan Zinke for his reelection campaign. Ryan is a Navy SEAL and a Trump-endorsed, America First Patriot who will work to DRAIN THE SWAMP. Will you join me? I need your help to ensure the Radical Left doesn't outraise him. Can you chip in $5 or $10 for Ryan? Ryan Zinke believes in God, Family, Freedom, and Securing our Southern Border. America needs strong leaders like Ryan in the US House. In 2024, we will have the House, Senate, and White House and defeat the Socialist Invasion spreading in America. But we can't do this without your help. Joe Biden, Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, and their radical allies are DESTROYING our great nation. We MUST hold onto the House and take back the Senate and White House before it's too late. Will you join our campaign to support America First Leader Ryan Zinke? Please rush your donation before 11:59 PM TONIGHT! For God and Country, Ted Budd |