Fellow Republicans,

127 days until early voting begins at the office of your election authority and temporary locations designated by the election authority. Take the pledge to Bank Your Vote

Last call on our Illinois Republican State Convention! Our Convention planners worked hard to host a great meeting for several hundred Republicans. Thank you to all our volunteers of the 7 Convention Committees who put in countless hours and dedication, and everyone who helped prep our state convention.  This effort highlights a difference between our mainly volunteer Republican Party and the paid activists who run  the Democrat Party. This difference is also represented at the State Central Committee (SCC) level. The great majority of our 34 SCC Members and Deputies do not hold paid political offices. In dramatic contrast, the great majority of the Members and Deputies of the Illinois Democrat SCC are paid politicos with high name ID with dominant fundraising operations, but our Republican Party is driven by grassroots activists like our  County, Township Ward, and precinct leaders are all volunteer public officials.

PCs are very important positions in our Republican organization because voters usually have their first interaction with our PCs. And, taking back our State from dysfunctional Democrat control will require winning one precinct at a time. PCs are critical to this effort and the success of our Republican nominees, which is why we need more PCs statewide. Thank you to all our PCs throughout the State for taking on such a crucial role for our state and our nation. PCs help fill vacancies of election judges in your precinct polling location, PCS circulate petitions for candidates prior to the primary, PCS canvass their precincts in support of our candidates, PCs help promote early voting and absentee voting, PCs help recruit poll watchers for election day and early voting, PCs help advocate for the interest of the voters in the precinct, and do so much more. 

Our State Convention is a great opportunity to network and build relationships with campaign leaders, political candidates, and elected officials.  It’s also enjoyable to meet and chat politics with other grassroots leaders and patriots. We will also have great training sessions lined up for County Chairs and PCs, both new and seasoned, beginning Friday May 24 at 11 AM, with instructors from the Leadership Institute, Republican National Committee, County Clerks, Election Integrity experts, our walk app Numinar, Artificial Intelligence, and much more.  All helpful tools and resources to help our fellow Republicans be better and more effective ambassadors and warriors for the Republican Party. There’s also a Cubs vs Cardinals game that you may want to enjoy that weekend. For more information, visit https://rcca.gop/convention/

To be a Delegate to the State Convention, you must be approved and appointed by your County Chairman. Please reach out to your local county Republican organization. Even if you are not selected as a delegate, our State Convention is welcome to all Republicans who register in advance. Keep in mind, only Delegates will be allowed to vote in the main session. Please visit our State Convention website for registration, hotel options, etc. Our Convention website provides information on registration for the Convention, securing a hotel room, and additional details on the convention. Discounted hotel rates are booking up quickly. 

We look forward to seeing you at the State Convention. Please make sure to thank our local hosts, the Madison County Republicans, for having us. Our friends at the Collinsville Township Republicans will welcome all Convention attendees on Thursday, May 23 for complimentary reception as folks travel in. This will be a great time to pick up your credentials to avoid the long line on Friday, May 24. 

We examined the voting records of all of the commissioned Republican election judges in the City of Chicago and in suburban Cook County. It is apparent that far too many Republican election judges actually have a history of voting in Democratic primaries. We simply must do a better job of filling our Republican election judge positions with actual Republicans. If we do not fill these positions, the Democrats will. I encourage any Republican who lives in Cook County to take the extra step in participating in the electoral process by becoming an election judge. Sign up to be an election judge!

Calling all Republicans, Conservatives, and Patriots. We need all eyes on the ballot! Election judges serve a crucial role in ensuring fair and transparent elections. We need all eyes on the ballot and encourage all Illinois Republicans to sign up here. We encourage all your friends, family members, neighbors, and colleagues to serve as election judges for the general election! We also will have a heavy emphasis on more election integrity training over zoom and in person to better educate voters on the process, as well as gauge interest to serve as election judges or poll watchers. The overall goal of our election integrity efforts is to make it easy to vote and hard to cheat. Sign up to be an election judge or poll watcher in your county!

To find out how you can help save Illinois, go to the Illinois Election Integrity Program website at ieip.org. Volunteer for as little or as much as you are able! Volunteers can help by joining the Illinois Election Integrity Program. In case you have recently moved or just wish to check your registration status go to https://ova.elections.il.gov/RegistrationLookup.aspx to make sure that your voter registration is up to date ahead of the crucial 2024 election cycle. Please reach out to CJ, our Election Integrity Director for further assistance.

The Republican Challenge

By Jim Rule

Tazewell County, Illinois Republican Chairman

In a time of pronounced political division, the Republican Party stands at a crossroads. The way forward lies not in deepening divides but in uniting behind the foundational principles that define not only conservatism but also American exceptionalism. The aim at present is to both inspire and inform, addressing the critical task of unifying a Republican party that has often been internally conflicted and gravely fragmented. It is a rallying cry for Conservatives to come together and harness the collective strength that unity brings.  

Why is this so important?  Perhaps the better question is; why is this so necessary? The Progressive Marxists, often referred to today as the Democrat Socialists (which seems to include most of the Democrat Party), are working diligently to destroy the core foundational principles that make America the greatest nation in the world. They do not believe in the tenets of American exceptionalism nor do they wish for this country to be a sovereign nation who continually finds itself bearing the torch of freedom and democracy throughout the world. Our ability to move past this crossroads rests on answering that rallying cry with bold and courageous action.

Conservatism Within the Republican Party

It is important to note the difference between being a Republican and being a Conservative.  To be a Republican means you belong to the Grand Old Party or the GOP.  Conservatism, on the other hand, is an ideology which espouses foundational principles which this country was founded on. It is a belief that our society is better off when we maintain those principles from generation to generation. Can one be a Republican and not be conservative?  The answer to that question is complex and is where we find our divide. While my personal beliefs are rooted in the Conservative Movement, not every Republican member shares the same values and beliefs.  It is here where we must come together and find common ground. The GOP's history is rich with victories achieved through solidarity. From significant legislative accomplishments to crucial election wins, history shows that unity is our most formidable asset. The Reagan Revolution not only brought a healthy economy and strong foreign policy to our nation, it re-instilled a deep pride in America; a pride lost during the previous Carter years. Reagan, a staunch Conservative, was a master at building coalitions and finding common ground with people on both sides of the aisle who did not agree with him on all issues. Dedication to the greater good and finding ways to win is what built the Ronald Reagan legacy. The nation, and the free world, enjoyed the fruits of his success.  In contrast, periods o internal turmoil and disagreement have often aligned with Republican’s most challenging times.  We have found ourselves losing our way when the elites seize control from and exclude the grassroots to advance their personal agendas and power grabs.  History's lessons are clear—success is born from unity and building coalitions.

Principles and Values 

Conservatism is anchored in core principles that rise above the fleeting skirmishes of politics. Limited government, personal freedom, fiscal responsibility, adherence to the rule of law, peace through strength, a belief in free market-driven economics, and human dignity are not mere policy choices; they form the foundation of the conservative vision for society. Those core principles have survived American history and have remained a common thread from one generation to the next.  Unity within the Conservative Movement doesn't demand identical thinking but rather a collective dedication to these lasting principles. The forces of evil that exist within this country and who walk the halls of our own government are determined to, as Barack Obama stated prior to this first election, fundamentally change America. The only way to stop this shredding of our core principles and of our free society is to come together as one Republican Party with sturdy unwavering leadership.

The Role of Leadership

Republican Party leadership must transcend mere titles; it must act as a cohesive force. The most impactful conservative leaders in history are those who have unified members, inspiring the base with a vision that resonates across the conservative spectrum. Think about the work of Locke, Washington, Jefferson, Adams, Lincoln and modern era Conservatives such as Friedman, Goldwater, Buckley and Reagan.  They were servant leaders whose objective was to bring society together, to defeat the forces intent on controlling and limiting our liberty and freedom and to preserve our core principles. Today's leaders face the same mission: to bind the Republican Party with a message that captures the essence of conservative values and speaks to the hearts of its members.  Today’s leaders must be bold and unafraid. They must work to defend and protect those core principles. For the best interest of the Conservative Movement, leaders who lack the fortitude and courage to fight must be replaced. Milquetoast leadership directs its effort to not lose while fearless leadership fights to win.  There is a huge difference, my friends, and this is our time for victory.  Let us learn from our past and choose our servant leaders at all levels of the GOP wisely.

Challenges, Opportunities and Strategies

True Republicans confront numerous challenges, from shifting demographics to changing public opinions on key issues. Yet, these challenges also present opportunities to refresh our message, engage new demographics, inspire meaningful dialogue, and showcase the timeless relevance of conservative policies. A unified party is well-positioned to adapt and prosper, transforming potential vulnerabilities into strengths.

To foster unity, the Republican Party must pursue internal diplomatic discussions that respect divergent perspectives while seeking common ground. The focus should be on the conservative objectives shared by all Republicans, irrespective of their ideological nuances. It has been proven time and again; Conservativism, when properly articulated and faithfully executed, will win every time against the Liberal Left’s flawed socialist agenda of destruction and division. Conservative grassroots organizations in lockstep with local and state governance are instrumental in this endeavor, forming the bedrock for a cohesive national conservative movement.

Our Challenge 

The Republican Party’s need for unity transcends political strategy; it is a moral obligation. It is a journey that respects the legacy of the Founding Fathers and sets the stage for what we will pass to the next generation. In uniting, Conservatives don't sacrifice their uniqueness; they amplify their collective voice. They don't dilute their principles; they magnify their influence. For the good of the nation and the conservative values we cherish, the moment to unite is now.

This is a challenge to the Republican Party to actively commit to the quest for unity—a journey characterized by reverence for history, active engagement with current realities, and an optimistic outlook for the future. It is an invitation to all Conservatives to join forces in the noble pursuit of reshaping a nation that mirrors our highest aspirations. The challenge is formidable, but the rewards are profound: a Republican Party that stands as a symbol of God,Country, and Family. Let us embark on this mission together, with bravery, determination, and an unwavering commitment to the cause that binds us.

Jim Rule is the Tazewell County, Illinois Republican Chairman serving his fourth term.  He is a veteran who served honorably in the U.S. Navy Submarine Force, is a servant leader and is a life-long Conservative and member of the Republican Party.

Bank Your Vote

Chairman's Satire: 


Thank you for all you do and for supporting the Illinois Republican Party.


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Please stand with us and consider making a $10 or $25 contribution to our efforts. Your generous donation will fund our fight against the Democrat socialist agenda. Thank you in advance.

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Illinois Republican Party | PO Box 64897, Chicago, IL 60664
