From Nydia Velázquez <[email protected]>
Subject Add your name: We need to pass Medicare for All now more than ever
Date April 11, 2020 3:18 PM
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Healthcare in this country was in crisis long before the coronavirus pandemic began. It's only getting worse. Already, millions of Americans were uninsured or underinsured. Now, as more and more Americans continue to file for unemployment benefits, it's more clear than ever: Tying health insurance to employment is a disaster.

No one in America who is sick, regardless of their employment, insurance, or immigration status, should be afraid to seek the medical treatment they need during this pandemic -- or ever. We need Medicare for All and to treat the healthcare crisis like the emergency it is. Add your name if you agree: Healthcare is a human right and every person deserves access to quality healthcare >>[link removed]

Let me be clear: I'm not proposing that we only temporarily cover healthcare costs for Americans during this pandemic. It shouldn't matter whether or not there's a pandemic, or whether or not someone has a job -- healthcare is a human right. We need to pass Medicare for All and ensure that every person in America has access to quality healthcare.

I've been fighting for this for a long time, and I won't stop until our healthcare system finally prioritizes patient care and public health over lining the pockets of big pharma and healthcare CEOs. Will you sign your name and join the grassroots movement to pass Medicare for All?


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