J Street


Growing up, I was one of two Jewish students at my Georgia high school.

Teachers refused to factor in the High Holidays, sometimes not even knowing what they were. If a classmate found out I was Jewish, they’d often respond with a snide antisemitic remark about how Jews control Hollywood, the media or the government.

At the same time, I found myself at odds with the black-and-white – and often silent – stances my Jewish community took towards Israel, one that did not reflect my core values of justice, freedom and equality for all people in the region.

That all changed in college, where I became part of J Street U – a community willing to wrestle with complicated truths, hold the pain and grief of both Israelis and Palestinians, and engage in dialogue with peers who, too often, look past each other. I truly feel that, in J Street U, I’ve found a place to call home.

More than anything, J Street U is a community that deeply cares for one another – and that’s been indispensable these past few months as chaos, extremism and partisanship have dominated campus debates over Israel nationwide.

Many, many groups have jumped at the opportunity to exploit the situation for political gain. But J Street U is one of the few groups actively looking out for students, and I’m so thankful for it.

In recognition that these issues will endure for students well into the next academic year – and in recognition of how urgently needed our nuanced approach is – J Street will be investing significantly in strengthening and growing J Street U’s presence on campuses in the year ahead.

Friends, if this work matters to you, would you consider pitching in $18, $36 or $90 – or any other amount – to help expand J Street U in the next academic year?

Make a tax-deductible contribution to the J Street Education Fund here >>

Last summer, I decided to run for President of J Street U’s National Board. Serving in this role has been incredibly fulfilling but certainly not without challenge.

Our work was never easy but, after October 7, we confronted a new reality on campus.

Despicable acts of antisemitism from classmates with whom we share a community. Isolation from our peers in both progressive and Jewish spaces. Appalling scenes of police brutality and violence against peaceful protesters.

Through it all, J Street U has been my home and its staff my support system. I have never felt so grateful to have this community.

We’ve seen first-hand how growing hostilities between hardliners on campus are shrinking the space for nuanced, balanced and empathetic debate. Your support will help create space for the thousands of students earnestly seeking to understand the conflict, engage in good faith with those on their right and left, and use their voices for justice, peace and a better future for Israelis and Palestinians.

J Street U is paving the path for the next generation of thoughtful leaders, and I am lucky enough to see it in my peers every day.

Friends, support the next generation of pro-Israel, pro-peace, pro-democracy leaders with a tax-deductible contribution today >>

Thank you, sincerely, for your consideration.

Lauren Haines
J Street U National President


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© 2024 J Street | www.jstreet.org | [email protected]

J Street is the political home for pro-Israel, pro-peace, pro-democracy Americans who want Israel to be secure, democratic and the national home of the Jewish people. Working in American politics and the Jewish community, we advocate policies that advance shared US and Israeli interests as well as Jewish and democratic values, leading to a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

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