Heading into Memorial Day weekend, as the weather and the politics both heat up…

Let’s take a moment to reflect and remember our shared values and goals and remind each other what we’re REALLY doing here. Congratulations to the State House and Senate candidates as well as the five U.S. House candidates who have earned the party endorsement in recent weeks. Together, we are all stronger.

2024 should be a referendum on the failed economic and national security policies of the Biden-Murphy regime. It absolutely does not need to end the way so many previous cycles have—with months of Republican-on-Republican violence culminating in embarrassing electoral defeat. I did not enter the race against Chris Murphy to question the Republican-ness or conservative bona fides of my colleagues and friends, and I am not going to start doing so now.

There are other races in our party and across our state that will be decided the same as this one—on their own merits. I urge all who read this message to remember that and to evaluate each race on its own and judge each candidate not upon rumors or false promises, but based on the candidate themselves and what they stand for. I have a proven track record of overwhelming bipartisan electoral success, and I don’t plan on that changing any time soon.

Join me in taking the fight to the failed Biden-Murphy agenda, not to other Republicans.