Senator Durbin has failed to hold Alito and Justice Clarence Thomas accountable for their corruption at the Supreme Court. He waited over three months before issuing a committee-approved subpoena against Federalist Society co-chair Leonard Leo and has yet to issue one against billionaire Harlan Crow, despite a Senate Judiciary Committee vote last November to do so. Further, Leo responded to his subpoena saying he would ignore it, and Senator Durbin has failed to take any steps against Leo to enforce this subpoena and to require Leo, as the law requires, to comply with it. In failing to take action, Senator Durbin is allowing the Supreme Court and its partisan allies to subvert our democracy.

With the Court’s decision in Trump v. United States expected next month, the Senate Judiciary Committee must act now.

Tell Senator Durbin: Investigate Justice Alito and corruption at the Supreme Court:

  • Hold public hearings to expose corruption at the Supreme Court.
  • Subpoena Justice Alito and Justice Alito’s wife, Martha-Ann Alito.
  • Subpoena Chief Justice Roberts regarding his handling of the insurrectionist flag incident based on reports that the Supreme Court was aware of it at the time.
  • Expose the conflict of interest in cases related to the January 6th insurrection.

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In solidarity,
Free Speech For People

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