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May 22, 2024

Notice of Annual Meeting of the Audubon Society of Northern Virginia, Inc.

Photo: Red-shouldered Hawk, Evelyn Garcia/Audubon Photography Awards

When: Sunday, June 2, 2:30 PM - 4:30 PM
Where: National Wildlife Federation Building, 11100 Wildlife Center Drive, Reston, VA 20190

The Audubon Society of Northern Virginia, Inc. will hold its Annual Meeting at 3:00 PM on Sunday, June 2, 2024, at 11100 Wildlife Center Drive, Reston VA. Members and non-members are welcome to attend.  At the meeting we will announce the results of the 2024 Birdathon competition; explain ASNV’s budget for FY 2024; recognize Officers and Directors whose terms are expiring; elect Officers and Directors; and invite attendees to join ASNV’s committees. 

The Annual Meeting will be preceded by an informal gathering starting at 2:30 PM. We welcome you to bring snacks and drinks to share. At 3:15, Secret Garden Birds and Bees will present a program, “Raptor Senses and Abilities,” featuring live birds. Don’t miss this opportunity to see and photograph live owls and hawks up close, as well as learn of their amazing capabilities.

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11100 Wildlife Center Drive
Ste. 100
Reston, VA 20190

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