
In the midst of the greatest crisis our country has seen in modern history, Democrats are looking to capitalize on this COVID-19 pandemic. 

We can't let them. It's up to us to take our country back and protect America against seen and especially unseen enemies at our most vulnerable point - the border.

You've heard the now infamous Rahm Emanuel phrase: "Never let a crisis go to waste." 

Well, Pelosi and her minions are putting it into action.

As if the COVID Scare weren't enough, Democrats continue to push for payoffs to illegal aliens and literal terrorist enemies of the United States

You read that right. 

In the middle of this public health and economic crisis, Democrat leaders in the House are blocking funding to the lifeblood of our nation - small businesses that built the American dream

Instead, the Dems are fighting to give funds that could be used to kick-start our economy to:

-Palestinian Authority 
-Illegal Aliens 

You'd think that $2 Trillion spending bill Congress might contain $10 or $20 billion dollars to fund the border wall.

There's not one red cent earmarked for border security in the budget bill.

Since we can't seem to get any funding for the wall in Congress, we need you to step up and help us get this done.

Illegal aliens steal American jobs, and rob the U.S. of billions of tax dollars.

Illegal aliens drive wages down for the jobs that actually stay with Americans -- costing us nearly $120 Billion.

And according to AEI, the American Enterprise Institute, health costs for illegals totals $20 billion.

The costs of illegal alien healthcare ALONE could fund the border wall.

Yet House Democrats are trying to give illegal aliens MORE hard earned dollars, courtesy of the American taxpayer.

There is no time like the present to band together and get another wall project done.

For America,