News from Representative Allred


Dear Friend,

I was born and raised here in North Texas, and I want to make sure North Texans have a voice in the federal budgeting process. Earlier this year, I gathered feedback from a nonpartisan group of North Texas community leaders and local officials on what kind of improvements they’d like to see in our region. We focused on job creation, economic development, community support and oversight. 

Together, we then selected and requested funding for 15 local North Texas projects that will invest our community for the long-term. This includes funding for public safety, law enforcement, first responders, educational services, parks, health systems and transportation and infrastructure at DFW Airport, Dallas Area Rapid Transit, the University of Texas at Dallas, the Dallas Police Department, the City of Dallas and more. View the full list here

Getting things done requires input from everyday Texans, working with both parties, and with all levels of government, from city to federal. We’ve been successful in bringing millions of dollars home to North Texas each year I’ve served in Congress. I will work in a bipartisan way to again approve all of our community project funding requests and I look forward to seeing these projects get off the ground in 2025. 

When we work together as Texans, we can still do big things. 


Colin Allred
Member of Congress

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